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Proof Of Usage/Baring


My phone got stolen 11 days ago and I need Proof Of Usage and Proof Of Barring for the insurance claim. 11 days down and every time I call up I get it promised that it'll be with me in the next 24 hours, or there was an issue with my Email account etc. This is beyond the joke! Three have the worst customer service of any company in the UK.

I am on the phone right now and it's like they have no clue what I am on about. All I want to do is claim on my insurance and I'm being held ransom by Three Customer Services.

Someone at Three UK (not India) needs to contact me and resolve this ASAP. What a joke!!!


I have now been passed to the Complaints Department who have assured me that I will rwecieve the documents by the end of today. The same thing that every other department have assured me will happen over the last 4 days.

We shall see what happens, but I have zero confidence.


Surprise surprise its now 8PM and I still don't have any documents!!!!

If someone from Three sees this please can you reach out to me and give me options??? It will now be 12 days and I am still unable to proceed with my insurance claim do to the incompetence of Three Customer Service.

Not a happy customer!!!!!

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @kieranbowley,

I'm really sorry to hear that your phone has been stolen, and moreover that you're still waiting for these proof documents after so long. I'll send you a private message that will direct you to more help with this.

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I am experiencing the same problem, I contacted three at the beginning of February and was told 72 hours to receive these documents. In between now and then I have been in contact with customer support and have been told it’s an issue with my email, so I changed the email on my account and still nothing. I have been in contact several times and appear to be getting nowhere. I am desperate for these document as my claim is at the final stage but I can’t proceed without these

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Harry1029c,

That's really disappointing to hear that you've been trying to get this sorted out for almost 2 months now. I'll send you a private message that will direct you to some colleagues that can help sort this out.

To view your private messages on the community, click on your avatar image in the top right of any community page, then "Messages"


Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.


@kieranbowley and @Harry1029c.. I am in the same boat as you guys. Did you manage to get the documents from Three and what did you do to get them?

@JonathanB please can you PM me the same information that you sent the guys above.