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Roaming charges whilst data roaming turned off


I was on holiday in the US last month and had data roaming turned off before I even left the UK. At no point did I turn my data roaming on. Three texted me randomly at 3 points during my trip saying hello and welcome to the USA, outlining the costs associated with using my phone whilst in the USA. These texts were not telling me I was using my data, just letting me know I could. I've just received my bill to find I've been charged 3x £5 plus VAT for roaming services whilst in the USA. I can see on my bill that these supposed usages were really tiny amounts of data, <10MB. When I tried to dispute these charges, stating that I had my date roaming turned off the entire time,  I was told there was no way the system could be incorrect. However, clearly, the system is wrong if I can be charged tiny amounts of data usage whilst my data roaming is turned off. Please can you advise what I can do in this situation? 

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I have since complained via the Ombudsman who accepted the complaint and Three executive office agreed to waive the early termination fee, offer a PAC and provide further refunds as a good will gesture. I can only recommend that path to anyone equally disappointed. 
I did provide a vast amount of well organised evidence - chat transcripts, copy of emails, call logs. Whether that was absolutely necessary I cannot tell, but I’m sure that helped my cause. 


Happened to me when I went to Asia. I got a few texts saying my Go roam has been activated and would be charged £5.34. I thought since my data roaming is off I wouldn’t get charged. I called three today and had to really fight for my case. It sounds like it’s a big problem just with three? 


This issue has affected me in the last few weeks and am in the process of trying to get it resolved through the complaints procedure - see my post below.

from what I can see Three are still in denial and the only real course of action is to ditch Three as a service provider at the earliest opportunity.


After months of trying to get this resolved with no success, I've given up and gone back to EE!!

Having spent many hours on the phone/chat with 3 Customer Support during my frequent foreign business trips I have absolutely confirmed that an Iphone does indeed consume very small amounts of data (<100Kbps per day) even with mobile data turned off. However, this appears to be just enough to trigger the data roaming when abroad.

To confirm this also happens with other networks, I reset the statistics on my wife's (EE) iphone during a recent holiday to the USA and noticed her iphone also consumed this small amount of "system services" data even with mobile data turned off, but hers didn't trigger any EE Data Roaming! Once again, my Iphone on 3 did!

I think 3 could solve this very easily by just increasing the threshold at which data roaming is triggered!

I hope for all their customers sake they this get this fixed soon, but after 6 months of them not taking this seriously I ran out of patience! I genuinely think they don't believe they have an issue and it's all down to users not having their Iphones set-up correctly! When the retention manager (a very nice guy called Deepak) called me to try and convince me not to leave I encouraged him to come and read this thread to see how big a problem they potentially have! I hope he does!  

Good luck to everyone affected, but if you're reading this with a view to moving to the 3 network I would urge caution, particularly if you travel a lot and need use data on an-hoc basis when abroad!



Please write to BBC Watchdog as I know they are interested in hearing from people who have this problem and who have failed to get it resolved.


And its not just iPhones either - it's every single device. I don't have this issue on Voda, or on o2, but i do have this issue on Three. I actually took photos of my data settings turned to off - and Three did refund the charges - but it did take a lot of work. Three is a great network for value - but this is where it really lets all its customers down. If three mobile is going to be the only line you have - don't move to Three. If you have to have several lines and Three serves a particular purpose (like my case) then it's a great option to keep. But if you use it as your main line and you're moving from a network that does have great support and treats its customers fairly in most cases - you'll be disappointed with Three. I still have a few lined with Three and will keep them - but unless i need to roam with them - I'll divert all calls to another line then take the SIM out of the phone entirely prior to departure. If there was only a reliable way to forward SMS - that would make it all bearable.