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Roaming charges whilst data roaming turned off


I was on holiday in the US last month and had data roaming turned off before I even left the UK. At no point did I turn my data roaming on. Three texted me randomly at 3 points during my trip saying hello and welcome to the USA, outlining the costs associated with using my phone whilst in the USA. These texts were not telling me I was using my data, just letting me know I could. I've just received my bill to find I've been charged 3x £5 plus VAT for roaming services whilst in the USA. I can see on my bill that these supposed usages were really tiny amounts of data, <10MB. When I tried to dispute these charges, stating that I had my date roaming turned off the entire time,  I was told there was no way the system could be incorrect. However, clearly, the system is wrong if I can be charged tiny amounts of data usage whilst my data roaming is turned off. Please can you advise what I can do in this situation? 

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I have since complained via the Ombudsman who accepted the complaint and Three executive office agreed to waive the early termination fee, offer a PAC and provide further refunds as a good will gesture. I can only recommend that path to anyone equally disappointed. 
I did provide a vast amount of well organised evidence - chat transcripts, copy of emails, call logs. Whether that was absolutely necessary I cannot tell, but I’m sure that helped my cause. 


Happened to me when I went to Asia. I got a few texts saying my Go roam has been activated and would be charged £5.34. I thought since my data roaming is off I wouldn’t get charged. I called three today and had to really fight for my case. It sounds like it’s a big problem just with three? 


This issue has affected me in the last few weeks and am in the process of trying to get it resolved through the complaints procedure - see my post below.

from what I can see Three are still in denial and the only real course of action is to ditch Three as a service provider at the earliest opportunity.