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 I made a bank transfer last week on 01/05/24, however I forgot to include my three reference number when making the transfer, I have emailed proof of payment which I received a response from and was advised this would be attached to my account. However I’m receiving messages to say bill is unpaid and have been on live chat 3 seperate times to be told the payment has not been received and I need to make the payment urgently. My banks confirmed payment has gone through and I’ve provided proof, I don’t think anyone is actually listening to what I’m saying on live chat. Could anyone offer some advice as I’m not paying the bill again when I already have; and sent proof not sure what more I can do. Extremely frustrating spending so much time on live chat and seems like no one is understanding the actual problem? Service is shocking at times. 

Not applicable

I’m unsure why you’ve only been using live chat when clearly you’re a contract customer and have the option to speak to customer service on 333. I strongly suggest you do this as I’m sure you’ll get a more favourable result than if you continue using the chat function. There is an option to speak to the billing team directly!


Because my phone has been cut off because they’ve said I’ve not paid the bill. That’s why I’ve been using live chat obviously 

Not applicable

Then use a different phone. 

Not applicable

No I’m not rude (intentionally) abrupt yes rude no. People on here are attempting to think of all the options available to you to get you on the road to being sorted. We all know at times that Three customer service can be,shall we say frustrating so I  absolutely understand your feelings. Sometimes on here we don’t have time for niceties and manners protocols. We just think if an idea that may be of help and fire it off. You’ve been given all sorts of advice by myself and others on here with alternative suggestions and none seem to be apparently suitable for you. I repeat advice given to you by myself and others . Try another phone;if necessary go to a Three shop and use one there. Or failing that make a complaint using the link provided by MZone. Please don’t say that people on here don’t care. We’re all customers like you who contribute to this forum to help people like yourself by relating our own experiences with the network. Your accusation of rudeness is rejected and as I’ve said previously I hope you get things sorted.


See if I had a different phone to use, do you not think I would use it? You’re extremely rude even from the above message when I’m asking for advice. No need to have such a bee in your bonnet or care so much. No need for the rudeness from the off. 


I suggest you reach out to 3 here.


i have reached out multiple times as my above message says- no one is listening to what I’m saying 


The link I gave you is to make a complaint so try that?

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