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Resolution not available by email??? You couldn’t make it up!!!


I’ve been with Three at least 10 years.   Maybe 15.   I’m not sure, as Three recently deleted my entire payment history, prior to September 23…

I have no problem with the network itself.  It works.  Very rarely have a problem.   I would like to stay with Three.  I just wish they would do something about the diabolical so-called Support.

What started as an enquiry asking where has my credit gone has descended into a complaint that’s just going round in circles.   Dealing with staff who just can’t understand simple questions.

It’s absolutely impossible to escape this useless Indian call centre & get through to UK Customer Services.  

I send written complaints via email, they call me on the phone.  I have told them repeatedly do not call me, reply to my email like any professional company would.

I just received another phone call (from India).  I asked again, why are you calling me?  I made a complaint in writing, I expect a response in writing.  This moron actually said “I called to offer a resolution, the resolution isn’t available on email”???   

I want Three to listen to that call to see what these idiots are doing.


Not applicable

This won’t help you but wanted to say I totally agree with you. The network itself is in my opinion very good but the customer service is at best patchy (depending who deals with you) sliding down to lamentable on a bad day. I can’t see things changing as it all comes down to money. It’s obviously cheaper to have an off shore contact centre but whilst often well intended some calls to them are a complete waste of time. And finally (and I absolutely intend no offence) there is sometimes a language and understanding barrier. I avoid them like the plague and hope I don’t get any network issues. 🤷‍♂️

I wish you well in furthering your complaint.

Key player

Get 3's CEO details by entering "Three" at:


Yes this is what I do email the CEO's when I have big problems with companies and there services especially if they have foreign call centres. I don't waste time and don't put with any rubbish.

You could call me super karen but why put up with paying for a service you are not getting.

You wouldn't go into a restaurant order a steak and chips and only the chips come and you still get charged for the steak and complain and then they tell you we'll knock £2 off your bill. Nope not good enough remove the steak from the bill, OK we'll give you a credit off your next visit to our restaurant.

This is exactly what Three's customer service do. A lousy £2 they wanted to give me off my bill when I had no signal at home for over a week, I don't have WiFi at home because I don't really need it and my mobile and mobile broadband is enough. They wanted to offer just £2 off and then you have to argue with them to get more. At the end of the call they say we have some amazing deals on whatever and try and sell you something else, you couldn't make it up!


Thanks Geluk!

I’m not getting any email notifications of these replies & can’t find how to set it up.

I will try a complaint to the CEO.   

Just googling, it appears EE has UK Call centres.   If true, I’m switching.

Not applicable

Certainly 18 months ago EEs call centres were in the UK and Ireland only. 


OK, email sent to CEO robert.finnegan at

Let’s see if I get a reply.

I’ve sent him an email from Three support saying “we’ve offered you a solution, please call to discuss it” (no mention of what the solution is).

And asked him to listen to the call I received yesterday at 16.12

I’m not holding my breath…

I think we’ll be moving to EE soon.