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Stolen Phone - Google Play/Tiktok Coin Charges


My pay monthly phone was unfortunately stolen on the evening of the 3rd of March. The next day, I did all the usual things you would do in this scenario. However, it came to light a month later when I came to pay my phone bill, that the thief had purchased numerous Tiktok Coins, via Google Play, totalling around £110. I have never purchased anything via Google Play nor have I ever purchased Tiktok Coins. Upon speaking to Three on this, they are unable to assist with this as this is a 'third party' charge. At this point I have done everything I can possibly could do, I even had to change my mobile number.

I thought after this, that would be the last of it. However, despite securing my accounts, cancelling cards, the lot, I have received another charge this month, which suggests this has been sent on some sort of 're-occurring' charge.

I just need to ensure this doesn't happen again, can you please offer any advice on this?


Exactly the same has happened to me. they have purchase TikTok coins via google play apparently. I’ve been going around in circles with three and google. Google insists on having a correlation ID and that it must be provided by three to deal with it,  three insist it’s a third party provider and they don’t know what a correlation ID is and I need to take it up with google. And so we go around in circles. At this stage the only course of action I can see to take is pay to cancel my whole contract with three and move my number to provider like sky that doesn’t offer additional pay services and that you can cap. Otherwise im just continuing to get £200 a month charge I can’t stop. At the moment it’s the same price to end my contact. 


I've done the same. Three won't stop the ThreePay service, so I had to cancel the contract, now moved to O2 PAYG. After eight weeks of three not sorting it, I have the right to escalate it to comms ombudsman, after that - if no result - it will go to court


Ok I’m going to do the same, I don’t see them fixing this at all but it seems there is a big loophole here with mobile operators opening your phone bill to be used like a credit card but having absolutely no precautions or fraud measures in place! You can’t even opt out of it. I’m getting out of it I’ll never trust them again if it’s this easy to abuse but impossible to stop fraud


Hello Laura, How is it going now



Currently submitted my ombudsman claim and had to cancel everything to stop it as they refused to help. No longer with three now, after ten years!