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on 15-05-2024 04:11 PM
Like thousands of other three customers I renewed my contract in September 2021 before the deadline to ensure I retained the free roaming in go-roam destinations.
For 24 months I continued to receive free go-roaming... and this then continued on as a rolling contract... so I've had 33 months of free roaming.
This past month I suddenly received £45 in roaming charges.
Complaints to the billing team have got me nowhere. They simply say that Go-Roam was removed from my account in March (with no notification or warning). I've since submitted a written complaint and they are now saying my contract started on 17th october 2021 and didn't have free roaming..... despite the fact I've had 33 months of free roaming and the online chat at the time of creating my contract confirmed I'd have the free roaming benefit. I even gave them an example of a previous bill that had free roaming and they are claiming the bill had daily roaming fees when it clearly shows zero!
Has anyone else experienced this recent change. I'm getting nowhere trying to get it resolved?
on 21-11-2024 06:20 PM
Disrespectful to their customer base considering their sister company 'Smarty' offer free roaming with no contract
on 15-06-2024 10:28 AM
I'm thinking that although you/we think we upgraded in September 2021 they didn't apply it until the end of our billing cycle, which would likely be some time in October. Clearly they didn't tell you this at the time, and also lied about it affecting roaming. I have an SMS from Three in September 2021 saying I've been 'handpicked' for a free upgrade which is what prompted me to do so. What I think they mean by handpicked is that they wanted me off a pre-October contract so delayed the upgrade until after the cut-off date.
Still doesn't explain why I've had over 3 years of roaming and then it suddenly stops with no comms whatsoever.
on 11-06-2024 05:51 PM
The ridiculous thing is that Three have admitted to me that I upgraded before the deadline of 1st October 2021.... but say that my contract didn't start until the 17th (which was just my next billing date)
The text they send you says "If you joined or upgraded before 1st October 2021 you will not be charged".
I've submitted a data subject access request to get the online chat with the upgrade team where I agreed the contract terms and agreed that go-roam would be free hence why I signed up for a 24 month contract.
Even more annoyingly my flatmate upgraded on the same date (and has an even later billing date) and is continuing to get free roaming everywhere so it is COMPLETELY RANDOM which customers they are now doing this to.
on 11-06-2024 09:56 PM
Yes, this is exactly the same circumstances as me. I took a screenshot showing free go roam when I signed up, knowing exactly this will happen.
Have submitted all these as evidence to the ombudsman and I think I have done all I can.
on 14-06-2024 11:16 PM
I've made a Request for Access of my personal information as the same has happened to me. I've had years of free roaming and was I the middle of a 2 week trip last month when it suddenly stopped, when I complained the operative says I renewed October 17th 2021, lo and behold this date now shows on my profile. I may have changed my tariff back then I really can't recall, but I would have checked with the Live Chat if this affected roaming beforehand as it's the only reason I'm with Three and I know they're trying to move people off these contracts. Strange that we all seem to have suddenly renewed just after the cut off date...
on 09-06-2024 07:02 PM
I am now in the process with the ombudsman at the moment. This seems like the only way. I will keep you all posted but personally am not too optimistic about it.
on 09-06-2024 05:48 PM
I'm in the same position, been through 2 advisors and a manager today who all point blank refuse to admit it was ever on my plan, despite me pointing them at past bills showing Go Roam at £0, and even threatened that if they investigate my previous bills that clear show Go Roam at £0 I may be charged for past calls and that I've just been lucky not to have been charged in the past!
Was finally asked if I wanted to raise a complaint, I said yes. Got a text to say a complaint had been raised. Literally 2 mins later a 2nd text to say they haven't been able to resolve the complaint having done everything in their power and it's now closed!
Going to try in store next and see if talking to a person face to face helps at all
on 31-05-2024 03:42 PM
p.s. three have also admitted that Go-Roam was removed from my account in March and I can see orders on the account on that date which I didn't place and wasn't notified of. It is nonsense to say they can not just reverse those orders that should not have been applied to the account which would then restore the free roamining!!
on 31-05-2024 03:40 PM
Given three have to pay a fine for every complaint that goes to the ombudsman you think they would make more of an effort to look into this properly and sort it out given it seems to be a random selection of customs that are impacted with no logic whatsoever.
on 28-05-2024 06:55 PM
No I've got absolutely nowhere with my complaint so am going to have to take Three to the ombudsman which is very irritating.
They have refused to give any reason or explanation as to why this benefit was removed from my account in Apri with no notification or warning.
And even worse they seem convinced that I've been paying for roaming all along despite me providing two examples of bills that clearly show free roaming.
They have definetly just randomly removed this from some people as my flatmate upgraded on the same day (30 september 2021) and is continuing to receive free roaming!