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Want to leave and awful service


So I have used Three's 5G broadband for a couple of years now, and it's capability has been patchy at best, and I've been looking at alternate providers as frankly the poor service is enough to drive me up the wall (service here being the connectivity, and performance - not necessarily Three staff).

A few things recently have made me realise how awful it is, the fact that I have not been able to register/reregister to MyThree or whatever the online portal is - it simply won't have it and the fact that as a result I've managed to miss a few DD payments (which I assumed were going out but weren't). The final straw comes today when I get a phone call from someone at Three to tell my my account is £200 overdue - something that had I known was an issue I'd have remedied, I had a look and couldn't even register to pay it off.

This just isn't good enough, you can't complain customers aren't managing their accounts when they physically are unable and unfortunately I'm not a robot, I don't just know to pay my bill in person/over the phone and rely on digital reminders not telephone calls in the evening.

Please don't see this as me kicking off, clearly I owe 3 money and do want to sort that out, but how can it take the best part of 4 (yes four) missed payments before the telephone calls start - and letters start coming - and the icing on the cake is when I tell the agent I want to close the account down I get told I'm not verified - you've literally rang my number registered against my account. It's clearly me.

For anyone looking at Three as a broadband provider, steer clear. You'll get patchy speeds, awful connectivity and a terrible customer portal. 

Not applicable

All I would say is it’s up to you the customer to ensure your bill is paid on time, You can pay by calling 333 as well as the app or online or via customer service. I’d also say that I personally would have realised by looking at my bank account if 4 payments have been missed if only by way of discovering I had more money than I expected. I have broadband with Three and whilst it doesn’t have the bandwidth of fixed line it’s generally ok but perhaps I’ve been lucky. These are my general observations and are not intended as a critique of you.