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support chat broken + billing system broken - where to go now?


1. Since the system upgrade I have only been able to log in once to my main (phone) account via mythree using a web browser. Every other time it just redirects me to Yes I have done all the obvious things eg using different browser, clearing caches and so on.

2. Also since the system upgrade, I am unable to access my mobile broadband account. Same error but with one difference, before the error page pops up, it kindly asks me to register. I click that button and hey presto:

3. I spent over an hour online to the complaints team on web chat. It turns out (he said) that I cannot use same email address for mobile broadband and phone. Apparently this is due to a security issue on three's part. It's definitely an insane requirement and one that is not OK - there is nothing in my contract with three that can require me to take out and pay for a new email account just to access and manage my existing three account (and if there was, I would not have signed it).

4. The operator agree to cancel the remaining term of the broadband account, and do so waiving cancellation / early termination charges (there is only six months to run of a 24 month contract, so this is not a huge loss on three's part). All good I think. But then the web chat crashes and closes itself (browser error in the console is "invalid JSON". So I lose the connection to him before we're done.

5. I get an email quoting cancellation/PAC terms and including an early termination fee ie not as agreed.

6. I try to reconnect. All operators busy so no can do.

7. I fill out the complaint form giving the above details. I ask to be contacted in the afternoon. I receive an email saying the complaint has been logged and will be dealt with.

8. Five minutes later I get another email saying that the complaints team has been trying to get in contact with me, and cannot reach me (they didn't ring my phone, so I am not sure what's going on there). Implication of the email is that as a result the complaint has been closed.



Rising star

Why not e-mail the CEO of Three and alert him to your issues ? He might be completely unaware of what is going on. But if you do, please detail any progress on here as it might help others ! 

You'll find his details by searching for Three (use the word not the number) on :-

ceoemail dot com

We cannot post links here so sorry that this is slightly opaque.  

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @unhappy_paul,

We'll do our best to resolve your complaint. I'll send you a private message to direct you to a team that can help further. 

To view your private messages on the community, click on your avatar image in the top right of any community page, then "Messages".


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