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Loss of 5g



Been a customer of 5g home broadband for 6 weeks. 

My service at first was fast. Now I only get 4g connection. 

Nothing has changed at my end 5g hub is where it always was.

Have been on with tech support and no further forward.

My question is why do I have to pay for another 18months of this when I cannot get connected to 5g unless the hub is out dooors

Rising star


Have you tried to narrow down the problem at all ? Or did tech support ask you to do this ? 

Take your hub to someone else's house or to work - does it work there ? What about a Three SIM in a 'phone at home - how does that perform ? Have you checked the coverage map for indications of a fault being worked on ? Have you tried taking the SIM out of the hub and testing it in a 'phone ? 

I would be trying initially to narrow the problem down to signal, SIM or hub. Please do that and then let us know the outcome. There is also the possibility that it is a settings or firmware issue with the hub but what I have suggested will enable us to isolate what is going on. 


Tried in various location indoors only get 4g, can get a poor 5g signal outdoors

i also have a three mobile with 5g and it is the same on that has to be a signal issue

was getting 300+ down 30 up, until just over a week ago then since then signal has dropped to 4g. fault check shows no issues in my area, been through tech support told to wait 7 working days till engineers get back to me.




I wonder if your hub updated itself? I no longer have a 5G hub here but I understand firmware version ending ...b12 was stable then a recent upgrade ( ...b14) suffers 5G disconnections