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Not receiving a returns bag after cancelling my contract in March



On March 3rd I cancelled my contract within the initial 30 days and was confirmed no payment due and I will receive a returns bag after which my account will be closed. A simple straightforward process for most reputable companies I have dealt with.

Since then however I have not received anything. I have called numerous times with what now appears a scripted response "do not worry sir, we will arrange a new delivery". As of today I have received no such returns bag. I have called into a Three store with the broadband device and been advised they cannot take receipt of it. I have raised a complaint case with Three over 2 weeks back and no hint of a reply.

Worse, I was advised by Three support over the phone to cancel my direct debit. Since then Three have continued billing which has now affected my credit score. Within the space of 2 months I have gone from a 15 year Excellent rating to Good. I am in the process of applying for a mortgage which is extremely worrying.

Given calling support over the last 2 months has led to no resolution, I am hoping someone on this platform can offer assistance. Really I do not understand how such a basic process can cause such issues. Just send me a returns bag or just email me a returns address & reference number.




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Hi @ro90882,

I've just seen your reply on another thread about this issue. I'm really sorry to hear about this problem with missing return packages, and that it's caused your account to show as overdue if it was supposed to have been closed down already.

I've sent you a private message to refer you to some colleagues that will be able to look into this further for you.


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Further to this have spoken to three today and as they haven’t received the device they have cancelled the returns process and am keeping me as a customer 

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Community Moderator

Hi @Chels074,

I'm sorry to hear that you never received the return bag. Customer services have a process to raise a case for our Logistics team to "re-issue a returns bag request" in case of any issues like this.


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