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SSID Change problems



I've had a Huawei 4G hub for a couple of years with few problems until recently when it started to lose connection to a couple of my Echo devices, the contract was due for renewal anyway so following a call to Three I received a Sercomm LTE2122GR router along with a new and surprisingly cheaper contract.

The first hub seemed to be fine at first although it wouldn't connect to the app I was able to get to the admin page through the IP address to change the SSID and password along with the Admin password for the router.

The following morning everything seemed ok then without warning everything stopped working, following a call with second line support the consensus was that the router was faulty so a new one was sent to me.

This afternoon I set up the new router, it connected to the app just fine and within a few minutes I was online. Having made sure I could access the internet and my enail I set about changing the SSID & password to the one on three dozen other devices are set up to connect to, that seemed to go fine but for some reason the router wasn't connecting to the internet, I tried from my laptop, phone and tablet and none could connect.

So I reset the router to factory settings and got back online in minutes once again. Again I changed the SSID and password and again no internet.

Another rest to factory and back online, another change of SSID etc and offline once again.

This went on for a couple of hours until I finally gave up and reconnected the Huawei router and was back online with the very SSID and password the new one rejected.

Any useful ideas?

Community Support Team
Community Support Team

Hi, Kev. 

That's quite a strange and frustrating issue to be having. Most of the time changing the SSID to match an older SSID works just fine. I'm unsure why it would cause the device to stop getting an internet connection once changed. 

Did you have any ethernet devices connected to the Hub? If so, did the wired device still have an internet connection after the SSID change?

A couple of these suggestions might be obvious, but it's worth double checking.
If your new Hub is using a different wireless protocol from the old hub, wireless devices won't update this automatically. Check to make sure the protocol in use is the same as the old device. 
Did you customize any DHCP settings on the old router? If so, you might have a miss match of settings between the devices and your new Hub.
Ensure you're old Hub as well as any wireless extenders, repeaters or mesh devices are not online while setting up in case those are causing issues. Starting with just the Hub as an access point keeps things simple. 

Fingers crossed one of those helps, but if not; come back with some of the additional info I asked about and I'll do my best to help.


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My smart TV was connected via an ethernet cable, that too was unable to get online with the changed SSID but worked fine with the factory one.

The wireless protocol on the new hub works fine with everything right up until I change the SSID.

No changed to DHCP settings on the old hub.

No extenders. repeaters or mesh devices.

Yesterday I took a call from someone in Three second line support, his suggestion was to cancel the upgrade return the new hub and carry on with the old hub as after a full week he hadn't been able to find a solution (assuming he'd even tried). That isn't a solution and quite frankly it isn't remotely acceptable which I made VERY clear to him, he has now passed the issue on to another level and I'm expecting a call within the next 48 hours, to be honest I'm not too hopeful.