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Signal Strength 5G


I tried moving my Router to an upstairs window today , this resulted in a marked increase in signal strength and quality, so i bought a Tp_link from argos to improve the wifi downstairs , and now my network is performing much better, i also now have an ethernet connection for my PC. Win Win

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Community Support Team

Hey, Bigmac!

Welcome to the Three Community.

That's awesome, so you've increased your signal, and extended your wi-fi at the same time? I great tip for anyone needing a boost for sure! 🙂 


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The signal strength on my 5g hub is indicating -98 to -100 dBm. Is that considered good, bad or 'average'?


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Community Moderator

Hi @Rockit99,

-100dBm is probably somewhere in the middle of the range. Not the best signal possible, but it won't necessarily impact your service. It's best measured in context with other factors, are you seeing slow speeds, lag, or webpages/streams failing to load?

If you're testing your router in other places to try and improve the signal, -98 is a better signal than -100, technically a 0 would be "perfect" signal but to my knowledge it's not possible to achieve due to various types of interference, hope that makes sense. 🙂


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good can i ask how are threes 5G speed at the moment I only have 4G but it would be good to know so when 5G comes i can consider upgrading


Hi kingofdata (or should that be your majesty?).

I’m not sure there’s a definitive answer. There’s a brand new massive transmitter less than 100metres from my house. It has direct line of sight. I’ve placed the hub in my lounge (so that I can use Ethernet to my audio visual gear). This means that the signal has to go through three walls. My iPad, in the same room, is averaging about 650 down, 110 up, 40 ping using Ookla Speedtest. I’m sure it would be even higher if I put it in the window facing the transmitter.  However, when I look at the coverage map the actual area that can receive a good 5g signal is pretty small. If and when 5g is available in your area I would suggest trialling the 5g hub - you can return it within 14 days if it’s not good enough.

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Community Moderator

Hi @CorbyDave,

That's fantastic speeds, glad to hear the 5G broadband is working well for you!

As you've said there's no definitive answer as speeds can vary depending on coverage, distance to mast, position of your router, and even the structure and building materials of your home. Thanks for sharing this example. 🙂


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I am in an area that suggests a strong 5G signal, not a reality so make sure you either test it with someone else’s equipment or take advantage of the 14 or 30 day money back guarantee 


Can you tell me which TP_link you bought from Argos, please, as they sell quite a range?. 
Is it just a case of plugging it/them into electric sockets?