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The worst customer services anywhere. Cancelling Home Broadband.


Tried Home 5g for a month to see how it went and it worked fine so took out a pay monthly contract. And from that point on nothing worked, no internet no nothing. Spent way too long online chatting swapping sim cards over between hubs and after 3 odd hours the conclusion was that it was a sim card fault. I was told to go to a Three shop to get another one which I did, I was informed it would take a few hours to work and later that evening it wasn't working.

Following morning it still didn't work. 1 1/2 hour phone conversation later and after speaking with a technical IT guy he said the mobile antenna was being worked on and it would be ok around 10.00pm that evening. Weird that it wasn't affecting my neighbours who used Three 5g. The following morning when it still wasn't working I contacted Three again only to be told I need to go to a Three store to pick up a new sim. It was at this point I decided to cancel. 

The cancellation itself was quite simple and easy, but the customer services afterwards are appalling. It took five attempts to get a returns label. Fast forward 4 weeks and I receive a bill for £25. I call to discuss it as per the text and after being on hold for four minutes they hung up. I tried the online chat and as usual got messed about for just over an hour with people saying they could help, going through all the security questions and saying why I was calling only for them to say they need to pass me to another department. It was cancelled after 4 days so well within the 30 days, but they have still sent me a bill.

Gone back to Virgin. The customer services at Three are the worst I have ever come across.


Sorry to hear about this.

Generally either the device or SIM is problematic if area is feasible but nothing is working even after reset.Another reason could be in your area some network maintenance is going on.

Same thing happened with me and IT team waived off my contract and I didn’t had to pay any termination fees and switched to other operator.

With regards to the customer support they were treating me as normal customer but when I told I’m a software engineer then they looked into the matter seriously as I sounded more technical to them as they told me in terms of technology.

Key thing is if they know you have tried many things and supported them by following the instructions and on top of them if you stick to the things that you want a good service then if they see they are unable to serve you then they can waive off but it depends on case to case.


This. In a nutshell. Is Three.
You start a contract, they fail you, you expend your own time and money to resolve, you eventually give up.

They find a way to charge you.