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I have been confined to my chair for a few weeks due to illness. Consequently I have been watching more YouTube videos than normal. For the last couple of weeks my internet connection has become erratic with short breaks which stop a video but start again after a moment to longer breaks of a few minutes  

My devices are up to date. Restarting the router only works for a short time. Data speeds are normal when I am connected. My VPN works well and the problem persists when the VPN is disconnected. 

is it possible that my connection is being throttled?




Sadly I fell for the 24 month contract due to the price, more fool me.  I forgot the golden rule, if something looks too good to be true it probably is.

I went with Three Home Broadband as the mast is literally outside my house and I've always had blistering speeds versus allot of other users.

Both my Three mobile and Three home broadband has always been ultra fast at home, and then strangely as soon as my 'right to cancel' was up on the Three home broadband package my speed after a couple of months on that package specifically plummeted big time.

I'm now getting around a 1/4 - 1/3 of what Id usually get.

Out of curiosity to test whether Three are indeed using some kind sim or account specific bandwidth management / throttling methods against our home broadband package whilst claiming they're not, and to rule out hardware issues possibilities.

As I'm also Three mobile user I figured Id take my mobile sim out of my phone and put it into my Three Home Broadband router to see what kind of speeds the exact same router, with the exact same settings, located in the exact same position in my property would yield, and as suspected, it returned the exact speeds that my Home Broadband SIM/package had always previously produced, i.e blisteringly fast broadband connectivity. 

I'm seriously considering doing a Youtube video and a bit of an experiment using Three's home broadband router sim and standing directly under their 5G mast (i mean directly under it) as its just outside my property; powering their hub from my vehicle and then filming and testing my speeds using the official home broadband SIM and MOBILE SIM again.

I'm 90% sure it will produce the exact same results.   It will show that my mobile sim is unaffected and that my home broadband sim / package is being restricted by Three.




I am experiencing the same issues here.  I decided to take out the rolling 1 month contract to test the speeds compared to my old fibre provider.  For the last 30 days very impressed 250-450Mbps consistently, usually around 350Mbps.  Today, day 31 my speeds have reduced to 3-50Mbp…barely anything.  If I was locked into the 24 month deal I’d be well annoyed!
I suspect something is definitely going on with this because my phone also works on the three infrastructure, and speed on my phone is 250-450Mbps still, the only difference is the APN name 3Internet on the 5G router (for home broadband) and (mobile broadband) on my phone. Either the 3Internet side is broken or the speeds are been throttled on the day I would not be able to cancel if under the 24 month deal.

Id  love to change the APN in my router, but it is greyed out, three are not allowing this to be changed.



I've just given my 30 days as my contract is up and Fibre has reached my parish now so I am going to switch to fibre........ aaaaand within minutes of informing 3 everything has packed up speeds now at 3mb down from around 100. Shocking. 



 I have pages of speed tests, but here you can see where they openly admitted changing my settings on the 14/11/23 to correct the issues I was having with disney plus stating I was out of region and from that moment on, I am stuck at 120mbps, it's there for all to see!


I agree. I have speed test results going back over 2 years now, and you can see clearly see the exact time and day they changed my settings and throttled my connection to max out at 120mbps. It's absolutely crazy that they are claiming they are not throttling connections when since November I hit 120mbps all of the time, any day, any time of day. If my connection wasn't being throttled, my speed tests would not be identical and they would vary depending on the usage and load on the mast, but it doesn't ever change. 

I made three send me out a replacement router and I forgot to take the old sim card out when I handed the old router back to the DPD driver, schoolboy error! so I also had to get a new sim card. Brand new router, brand new sim card, just to check that it wasn't something to do with the router, and exactly the same, stuck at 120mbps. 

I am going to check my contract terms and conditions and I have all the evidence via speed tests to prove that they are throttling my connection so I'm with you here. I keep hounding them about this and I won't stop. As a plus point I have paid very little for my broadband since the issues as they keep refunding me and knocking money off my bills so I would recommend anyone who is having these same issues to do the same. Go straight through to the complaints chat online and bypass customer services!


I am having the same issue, when I joined three 5g broadband I was speed testing and download speeds were upwards of 70MBs , and my phone still hits these numbers, now however my download from Steam, streaming and other services of this sort are hard locked to 13MBs download speed; Here is the interesting part, i complained and had an engineer on the phone who stupidly told me I'm in a weak signal area, which is a total  lie as i'm next to the tower and never had issue with speed before, this guy does something to the router and suddenly I'm getting full speed again until tonight when the modem had to be restarded and now has gone back down to a hard locked 13MBs.


Three are lying to us all, they are limiting the service without telling us, I think we need to contact Ofcom about this as my contract states that it will not be throttled on an unlimited 5g broadband

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Enfrance,

We don't throttle connections, but there can be limits in the capacity of the network, and streaming can be more intensive than other types of data usage. Are we acknowledging we're aware of any issues in the area on the Network Status Checker?


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Hi Jonathan, that is simply not true, three have started throttling download speeds, and multiple users have posted on the community site about this and stating they can not only hit 120mbps download when they used to hit much higher, these are different people in different parts of the country, being impacted exactly the same.  My response I posted was this -

Hi All, just to say I am in exactly the position. I live right next to the 5G mast in my area, literally 30meters away. When I first went with three 5G broadband in October 2022, up until November 2023, I was hitting anything from 600 to 900mbps download, all the time, even peak hours, I still have all the results recorded on my ookla speed test app/account.

In November, disney plus stopped loading on my TV stating I was out of region, nothing I did/changed could get it to load so contacted three, who advised they had made some changes to my account and restart my router and try again. Sure enough disney loaded, but from that point on my download speed is stuck at 120mbps, won't go any higher. It jumps to 400mbps when the speed test starts and then quickly drops down to 120mbps and stays there, clearly they are throttling and limiting the download speed. 

I contacted them on multiple occasions over the next few months and they were giving me all sorts of excuses and said they had changed settings and to try again, and another said they were working in the area but it would be back to normal in a month. I speed test every week and nothing has changed, stuck on 120. I have had a month refunded and a month half price but all this time they are still claiming they do not limit the download speeds which is obviously absolute rubbish.

As someone else has mentioned, when I do a speedtest on my phone, and I'm also with three, I still hit the usual 500mbps, nothing has changed with my phone, just my broadband from November onwards. 

At the time I googled and couldn't find any posts on this so thought it was just an issue in my area, but after a speed test earlier, stuck on my 120, I googled and found this. Now I know this is happening to others I am going to contact them again and keep up the fight!

For those that want to leave three, due to the speed decreases, who are stuck in contract, they agreed with me that I could leave with no charges due to the change in service. When you first sign up, you get 30days no quibble trial to see how it works and what speeds you get and you can send back if you not happy. So, if the speeds you are getting now, do not match the ones when you first got it, you can argue this and say you want to leave without a charge!