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11-10-2023 10:17 AM - edited 11-10-2023 10:19 AM
For the last couple of years, I've had an active free 200MB monthly data sim.
Recently after the online account and app has been updated, I couldn't see my allowance or refresh date. The SIM continued working fine (data and incoming calls as well).
I chatted to support and the agent appeared a bit clueless and claiming this has stopped. I didn't see how this could have been stopped since it was working fine and I haven't heard anything about it from Three. When I confirmed that I can still use data on it (while roaming as well, as it used to), the agent's reply was basically "that's great".
After coming off the chat, it has suddenly stopped.
Now, I understand that the service might have stopped and it was a free service, but to cut it off just like that, without notification and after chatting to support who didn't appear to know abut it, is strange to say the least. For all purposes, this was a normal working SIM from Three, albeit for data only. I'm sure something's wrong here?
on 03-14-2024 08:12 PM
They wont send a deadlock letter unless you specifically ask for one.
Call them up and explain what has happened so far, then state "As we have been unable to resolve this situation we have clearly reached an impasse, I therefore need a letter of deadlock.".
They have to give one if they have no more offers for you to consider.
Simply say, you require they offer a solution or a letter of deadlock, their choice."
It really is that easy.
on 03-13-2024 03:26 PM
Final update.
We have now agreed a financial settlement on all 3 accounts.
As before all 3 executive office representatives have confirmed the 200mb "free" data sim no longer exists and will not be reinstated.
We have agreed 3 settlements of £170 comprising 2x£60 & 1x£50, I could have pushed for the extra £10 but it really was not worth any further effort.
03-13-2024 09:57 PM - edited 03-13-2024 10:03 PM
Another attempt with raising the complaint with Three without them closing it automatically.....
I refused the goodwill gesture and await their response to my request of deadlock letter to escalate to ombudsman.
Below is the response I rejected
Dear Shaun,
Thank you for contacting Three.
I understand you're not happy as we have stopped offering 200MB free data on Mobile Broadband pay as you go sim cards.
Shaun, it was a business decision that from From 23 May 2022 we removed the 200MB free offer,
Our customers can now use data at the cost of 1p per MB, and if our customers are using calls and text functionality, then they will be charged 2p per text and 3p per min for calls.
I realize you're not happy with these changes, however since this is a business decision, unfortunately its not possible for us to reverse it.
To resolve this issue as a goodwill gesture, we can offer you a credit of £5.00 to your pay as you go account.
If you’re happy to accept the above as full and final resolution to your complaint, please confirm by reply within 28 days. If we don’t hear from you within 28 days, we’ll close the complaint as resolved.
In case if you have any questions or if you prefer to speak to us directly then, please call us on 0800 033 8013.
You can find out more about our complaints procedure in our Customer Complaints Code here.
Kind Regards,
Shashank Divekar
Customer Relations Team
Three UK
on 03-14-2024 01:13 AM
@shawny Assuming you'd rather stay on Three and keep your SIM, ring them up. Remain polite, ask to speak to a senior complaints manager, and explain that the change was implemented in November 2023 and was done so without any previous notice, ie no 30 day notice was sent, no SMS and no email (if you have a registered account). You should be able to "negotiate" the same £60 compensation that UKZiggy has been awarded (equivalent to the 24GB - 24 month Data Starter Add-on. It doesn't include minutes or texts). Take the cash as credit on the account if you want to use minutes/texts or the Add-on if you only require Data.
If of course you are hitting the brick-wall ask for the deadlock letter and say even if they won't give you one, say you'll go to the ombudsman in 8 weeks and no doubt get the same settlement as some others have already been given.
03-14-2024 08:19 AM - edited 03-14-2024 08:21 AM
"Our customers can now use data at the cost of 1p per MB, and if our customers are using calls and text functionality, then they will be charged 2p per text and 3p per min for calls."
this is untrue - I have been charged 10p per mb instead of 1p - I have asked for a refund of the difference.
I rejected their £5 offer, especially when others are receiving more, and sent them by cheeky settlement offer of £250 !
It equates to a year's worth of 200mb data (@10p mb), plus £10 for the overcharge of data (it's actual more, but rounded it down to a round figure) . If they kept their 'promise' of free data for life, it would cost them a lot more !
Of course, Three is going to reject this , but it should prompt them to respond, offering me the same offer as others - giving them 72hrs, before I call them.
on 03-14-2024 11:15 PM
I would say your approach, which appears to be a bit "bull at a gate", is not likely to get very far. I would have thought ringing them up and politely explaining your losses and lack of notification etc. is more likely to allow you to negotiate a more reasonable settlement.
Back on page 10 I did point out the latest Price Guide that is now applicable. The time it took them to produce that (mid-November until Jan.5th) is another point you can use in your negotiation.
In fact now having read your last reply, that seems to be the case, it got nowhere. Well it's obviously your choice if you want to drag it out and present your case to the ombudsman and have to wait for the decision in the meantime, rather than what might be a shortish (free) phone call to Three and get a reasonable settlement. I would have thought an approach by you saying you'd rather reach a settlement instead of going to the ombudsman (which will also cost them) would be preferable.
on 03-16-2024 01:48 PM
Rang them today, chasing the Deadlock letter or for them present another offer. £5 , they said us the best offer they can provide. Asked why in the email offering the £5, it said my tariff costs ARE 3p , 2p and 1p, was told it's 35p, 25p and 10p. Was told to use this email as the deadlock letter if I decide to go to ombudsman.
I've informed the agent, that I will be contacting ombudsman, and await the outcome.
on 03-16-2024 02:25 PM
Out of curiosity, did you ring 500 and try speaking to a Complaints Manager?
03-16-2024 05:50 PM - edited 03-16-2024 05:52 PM
I rang the number from the complaints section of the website : 0333 338 1001
asked, to be passed to complaints dept, put on hold a few times, and was told the £5 was the best offer - I asked for Deadlock letter, which they said to use the email received earlier this week, as the deadlock letter - I have raised two disputes with the ombudsman, one for the loss of free data for life, without notification the other, for tariff stated in email......
@JonathanB - another complaint raised with three
"Thank you for contacting Three.
I understand you're not happy as we have stopped offering 200MB free data on Mobile Broadband pay as you go sim cards.
Shaun, it was a business decision that from From 23 May 2022 we removed the 200MB free offer,
Our customers can now use data at the cost of 1p per MB, and if our customers are using calls and text functionality, then they will be charged 2p per text and 3p per min for calls.
I realize you're not happy with these changes, however since this is a business decision, unfortunately its not possible for us to reverse it.
To resolve this issue as a goodwill gesture, we can offer you a credit of £5.00 to your pay as you go account.
If you’re happy to accept the above as full and final resolution to your complaint, please confirm by reply within 28 days. If we don’t hear from you within 28 days, we’ll close the complaint as resolved"
@JonathanB another complaint raised with Three - with regards to their response - Why can't they issue Deadlock Letter, as requested
03-12-2024 02:11 PM - edited 03-12-2024 02:14 PM
To update, I have settled 1 of 3 accounts.
I have 2 accounts and my partner has 1 account, they tried to reject one of my 2 accounts on the basis it was a duplicate, the Ombudsman rejected this.
The attempted rejection brought this to the forefront and they offered a financial settlement that I have accepted.
This was handled by a person I won't name who is in Three’s executive office.
For anyone still keeping their fingers crossed the 200mb will return, it won't, this was part of the reply:
"I have reviewed your complaint and see that you have been informed the plan is no longer available, we show in our terms that “We may change or withdraw some, or part, of the Three Services from time to time. This may be because of changing technologies, obsolescence, new or different product features, changing content providers or the need to remove, replace or modify content. Depending upon the changes that are made, you may have a right to end this agreement” I am sorry that this was a sudden change and can see that unfortunately, we cannot offer to reinstate the plan."