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Used to have the free 200M data sim but it stopped without notification?


For the last couple of years, I've had an active free 200MB monthly data sim.
Recently after the online account and app has been updated, I couldn't see my allowance or refresh date. The SIM continued working fine (data and incoming calls as well).

I chatted to support and the agent appeared a bit clueless and claiming this has stopped. I didn't see how this could have been stopped since it was working fine and I haven't heard anything about it from Three. When I confirmed that I can still use data on it (while roaming as well, as it used to), the agent's reply was basically "that's great".

After coming off the chat, it has suddenly stopped.
Now, I understand that the service might have stopped and it was a free service, but to cut it off just like that, without notification and after chatting to support who didn't appear to know abut it, is strange to say the least. For all purposes, this was a normal working SIM from Three, albeit for data only. I'm sure something's wrong here?

180 REPLIES 180

The ombudsman forced my to accept a £30 good will payment - they said I could either accept it or get nothing as they would simply close the case. Not great.