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Concerned about issue with iPhone upgrade and having paid a big early upgrade fee



I’ve had a bit of a day trying to sort this all out and I’m still not getting the answers to the questions I’m asking. 

Quick backstory: Friday 15th September, battled the website issues and got an order confirmed for a 15 Pro Max, paid nearly £500 in early upgrade fees, and for Saturday delivery which should have been today. Heard nothing from DPD so just presumed it was delayed and got in touch to ask about an expected delivery date. Then the fun started.

Two hours on the phone, multiple people, finally someone said “you haven’t signed the device agreement you need to click the link in the email”. I’d already signed the device agreement during the checkout process so never received an email other than an order confirmation and also a device payment notification stating the first payment would be next month. They said over and over I hadn’t signed this agreement and in the end I went to the social media team who said ok let’s double check and if not we’ll send it over again. The telephone team said they couldn’t possibly send it again and instead I would have to pay the early upgrade fee AGAIN and have what I’ve already paid as credit on the account.

Anyway, the social media team said yes it says no signature one second I’ll open it and send it again, and as I’d said right at the beginning of this mess, there was my signature. My order was just “stuck” and they couldn’t “unstick” it so it’s away to another team to sort out in the next 72 hours.

The questions nobody seems to be able to answer are:

- When am I actually getting this phone? I preordered, Three messed it up, and the main site now says no stock until November. 

- I’ve already paid the early upgrade fee to terminate this contract and move onto a new one. What happens if I don’t get a phone until November? Am I going to have no service? Am I expected to pay another 2 months at the old rate despite having already technically paid for them with the early upgrade fee? Am I going to be paying 2 months at the new contract rate despite not having the phone? 

Nobody seems to know when I’m getting this phone or what happens to my service in the meantime. I’m hugely disappointed in the whole experience to be honest and if because Three messed this up I’m left with no service or paying twice for 2 months I’m going to be furious. The social media team have been most helpful unlike the call centre team, but what’s the situation with billing now? 

It has been a long frustrating day trying to get to the bottom of it. 

Not applicable

I don’t have an answer directly for you but I posted on this forum earlier that when I found out I was required to pay nearly £500 upgrade fee I cancelled my order for an iPhone 15 pro max because I fail to understand the purpose of such a fee. That’s not levelled solely at Three because I now gather it’s commonplace with providers but it’s a bit rich to say the least. I’m personally sticking with my iPhone 12 as it’s totally fine and I wish you good luck with your order. 

Rising star


I believe that many O2 customers have been let down too : word is that Apple are prioritising their own direct sales. 

Went past an O2 retail store at 8.55am yesterday (Saturday). They were queueing around the block but I have no idea if that was to collect or to complain.  

I wouldn't hold your breath on when the new handset will arrive. Was it last year or the year before that it was New Year before the pre-orders were satisfied and Apple started taking orders again ? Bear in mind too that until the Apple launch a few weeks' ago, there were strong rumours  from reputable sources that the launch of the Pro Max might be delayed due to a lack of stocks.   


Hey there, sorry to hear about the difficult time you’ve been having with your upgrade. Stuck orders can be a nightmare, we get them in retail too so I can understand the frustration.

I just want to preface this by saying whilst I do work for Three, this is just general advice based on my previous experience and not me giving you an absolute answer as Three.

As for when you’ll get the phone I’m inclined to say it’ll be November as from my understanding due to the order being stuck no stock would have been reserved.

You won’t be without service for two months, so I wouldn’t worry about that. I do think your monthly bill will likely be on your old contract terms as your new contract won’t kick in until your new device arrives.

If you want something more specific the best I can advise is to keep up your contact with Three who can be of more assistance.