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Roaming charges offer


All, I would like to know if anyone else was offered the opportunity to get free roaming if you signed up for a contract before the 1st Oct 2021? I was offered this and signed up 30 Oct 21. I have recently found out that as 3 did not process my contract until the next day I was not given the free roaming.
Customer service whilst being helpful could not do anything re this and filed a complaint 24 hours later I received a message from complaints saying they had done everything possible (this did not include correspondence with me) and that there was nothing they could do. Complaints a waste of time and now it is off to the ombudsman and a well known national newspaper.
Many years with 3 and five phone accounts, this counts for nothing with 3. please respond if you have had a similar situation as I would like to understand if this is a common practice by the network.


Thanks so much for the reply and advice. It is really helpful. Glad to hear you got it sorted in the end. 

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @jess_937,

Thanks for coming back here to confirm what happened, I'm glad to hear it was sorted although I'm sorry to hear of all the trouble you went through, I'll take away this feedback to hopefully help others.


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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Spindan,

I don't expect we would recalculate historical bills and charge you for 3 year old usage, but I'm keen to help you get to the bottom of this. I'll send you a PM to get you in touch with some colleagues who can help get this checked out in more detail.

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Hi @JonathanB

Three are now saying that this is a system error and I have been not been charged roaming for 2.5 years due to the system error even though I upgraded on 16.09.2021? Can this be correct? 



Wanted to join this thread as I am facing exactly the same issue. My contract was processed on 29/9/21, but started in 23/10/21. I enjoyed free go roam for the last 2.5 years and only found out it was removed when I am abroad on my latest trip today. @JonathanB  Please also PM me how to get this resolved. I have also been offered the ombudsman route by the customer relations team which I will do as well.


Welcome to the club. You are in exactly the same situation as my wife who renewed after being prompted by Three to renew early to avoid the new T&C. She agreed her contract on the 21\09\21 but has just been told the renewal date was actually the 12\10\21 so should have been paying roaming fees since, but has only just started being charged. My advice is to take the company to the regulator as they do not have a leg to stand on. Penny pinching at its finest.


I believe there have been people on this thread who went to the ombudsman for the same issue - what was the resolution offered by the regulator? Did anyone manage to get go-roam reinstated?


In our case my wife agreed a new 2 year contract with 70 eu roaming day passes included. We could have taken it further but life is too short to get the £10 back they charged. We also knew three would force us to move to move to a new contract at some point.


Thanks for the reply. I will update when I get my resolution. This is a very important perk for me and is the reason why I signed up for Three in the first place.

Hope more people come forward with this exact issue to show the widespread impact.


Please do. We signed up for the same reason. My wife has now had to change but I’m still on the old contract and they haven’t come after me yet to move to a new one, but I know it’s only a matter of time.

Good luck in sorting it out.