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Three does not improve your credit score.


Three has refused to report the fact I pay over £40/ month to any credit union so it’s a big fat waste of time. I am probably going to leave three after my contract ends for a company that will report that I pay my bills on time.

i contacted customer care. Asked them to email me not call. Asked them to cc my lawyer. They called when I was at work and closed my case.

poor customer service. Refusal to listen to a client. Asked them to send me the chat, agent said after the chat ends he will and did not send the chat.

Not applicable

I fail to understand the link between Three uk and a credit union,and I also fail to understand the perceived link to your lawyer. Because of these anomalies I’m unable to help you further. 

Perhaps a little elaboration on your part would be more productive.


Other networks report monthly bills paid to the credit unions and this helps to improve your credit score. Three has refused to do so. They only do so if you don’t pay which makes no sense. 

I had an issues with three and requested that my lawyer and me be cc on the issues and they called me when I was at work disregarding my request.

Not applicable

Ah I see. You’re confusing credit unions (which are lenders) with credit reference agencies which maintain your credit score. In my experience Three report if you’ve paid your account on time/late/or in default and I’m not aware of any issues causing them not to do so. Certainly with myself Three report regularly to Equifax and other agencies,and as you don’t mention what your issue with Three was (which is your right not to do so) I’m not sure how best to advise you except to return you to customer service or you can raise a complaint via the Three homepage.



Three are definitely reporting to the credit reference agencies for me. And they have done for all my previous accounts too. Are you on pay monthly or pay as you go. As it will only apply to pay monthly customers as you have to pass a credit check for this. 


I pay monthly. I have opened several cases about it and they refuse to respond. 

Not applicable

I’m sorry (and I say this with the utmost respect) you must be wrong. All pay monthly customers have to be credit checked before being accepted for a contract and all companies,not just Three report regularly on the conduct of that account to the very same credit agencies that were consulted prior to the commencement. Perhaps if you haven’t already done so you could consult Equifax or Clear Score or download any of their apps and check for yourself but really,I’m struggling to believe (respectfully) that you’re not mistaken in all this. 
It would also be interesting to know what Three said to you in reply to the “cases” you’ve opened.







As you can see they report 0 that I pay nothing. I pay over £20 a month for data and for the phone I bought another 20. They close my case with no solution or relevant message.