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Three is absolutely a trap


I am a long term customer for about eight years and I have bought two expensive phones and latest ipad, plus having unlimited package during those terms, so having been paying loads of money to three. Now I am financially struggling and asked three that support me by extending monthly payment that not leaving behind my payments. They just ignored me and do not give any support. What a company. After having a chance to pay all my contract payments I will never ever use this rubbish company and its service, also not advising anyone to do so.

Not applicable

Three is a business not a charity. I don’t mean that to sound disrespectful but possibly call them back and explain in simple terms why you need help and I can’t think they won’t try. Better that than venting your perceived grievance on here.  

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @MansuraV,

We offer extensions and payment plans for any customer who is struggling financially, within limits. We'd only refuse an arrangement if there's been multiple failures to keep to these sorts of agreements, or if the proposed extension is going to stretch the balance over an unfeasibly long time. 

If you can explain the situation in a bit more detail then I may be able to point you to more help. Feel free to message me on my profile page @JonathanB if this is a sensitive matter that you'd rather not discuss in the public forum.


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