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5g Hub started great - now very slow speeds + unreliable connection


I got a three 5G hub last month after making the switch from regular broadband. Speeds and reliability were great, anywhere between 150-300mbs dl, and no drops. 

Until today when I noticed that my work VPN kept dropping (I WFH). Now I can barely get a stable connection, despite the app saying I have 5/5 strength signal, and nothing changed in terms of setup. I phoned support twice who assured me that them resetting it from their side would fix things, as well as cleaning the sim. I was skeptical given I work in IT, but I gave it a go. No joy, and if anything the performance has got worse. I don't want to phone again to be told to do a factory reset again. Has anyone had any similar issues, and any luck improving the situation? 

I can't even complete a download speed test due to the connection dropping, and a ping test seems to show a fail every 25/30 or so packets. My download speed test on the PS5 has went from 150+mbs to 14.5 mbs. 

I really would like to fix this as I can't get fibre and it was working so well initially, but I might be forced to cancel my contract sooner rather thn later if it doesn't improve quickly.  There just seems no explanation for it. Hub model is NR5103E and firmware version is 1.00(ACBJ.0)b12. 

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help. I really don't want to phone support again to be told to factory reset!


Update 3: Today, speeds returned to normal, ranging from 500 to 700 Mbps throughout the day. It seems the main issue might be resolved, and so far, it looks promising.


In order to fix this go to your router settings which are accesed by typing in the search bar then enter "user" for username and the password that is on the bottom of your router, not the key used to log into your wi-fi. Once you are in I had to disable Band Steering in Wi-Fi Settings, then un check "Sync to 5GHz Basic Settings" and check both boxes in 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz sections marked "Broadcast SSID." Once you have done this save and exit and log on to the new 5Ghz Network that has been created and voilla top speed once again.


 Have been having the same issues. Download speeds are slower than dial up (when it works) the app says my signal is excellent. I went into the three shop today and their advisor told me the best way to fix it is to get rid of it and go with someone else! Not really what I wanted to hear. Three customer service is very poor and when I initially called to ask about the speeds before I bought it they said it would be good. Now they’re telling me different. 


Don't know how to fix it but I've got exactly the same problem with mine a 5G hub speed has dropped down to 12 from 150/60 sometimes 200 I got 6 months half price and it was great for the first 3 months but now it's very low I've wandered around the house with it ...when you complain it's always too much trouble...there is no solution but to change from 3 I haven't got a clue if any other provider will be any better I've been with them for 20 plus years but only with phones ....all in all it's rubbish 


The Tech Team couldn’t solve my issues at either location and allowed me to leave both Contracts early without penalty. I’m now with Vodafone Fibre and getting 500 mbs for £33.

it’s a shame that after starting so well for a few months Three speed seems to drop drastically for lots of Customers.


I got a 5G hub sometime ago, worked great, over the last week or two very slow, cannot connect upstairs to my laptop ( BEFORE I COULD) have rebooted hub no difference, watching this thread for 3’s answer


Welcome to the club.  I'm afraid this is most peoples experience.  Some days I get d/ls of 300 and other days like today i'm struggling to get 28.  Three are no help at all. Just the usual do this do that but nothing helps.  I'm stuck because there is no fibre in my area either and the wired options are pretty much worse than this. The issue has to be with them given that as i say some days the speeds are brilliant and without me changing anything they can suddenly go through the floor.  Usually my pc connection is fairly good because it's wired directly to the Three ethernet port rather than use WIFI, but even that is poor today.  It's very frustrating.


I'm 16 months into the contract and can't wait for it to end, initially we also had brilliant connection speeds for about 3 months, however since then it has dropped massively. We've been frequently unable to load Now TV, Disney, Netflix etc because the internet is so slow for over a year now. Gaming is impossible, and our connections is impacting my ability to work from home. If anyone is thinking about going onto Three's 5G Network for their home broadband (especially in Scotland) and is reading this post, go somewhere else.


I have the same issues. Mine doesn’t even connect to my ps5. Now I find myself constantly having to reset my 5G hub every 30 minutes or so. It’s terrible. The support people have no clue what to do or what’s going on. False advertisement. Absolutely sick of it


have you sorted this out? I am in the same situation now. Started very good 3 months ago but rubbish slow rently

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