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Help optimally setting up 5G router




I'm a little bit confused. On the 3 Home Broadband App it says that I have -90dBm coverage which relates to an 'Excellent' Signal. However the broadband seems quite poor compared to experiences of others, as well as my own Phone 5g speedtest from O2, which is meant to be far worse than 3 compared to speed apparently. I chose this contract as it was very cheap as well as boasting a minimum of 150mbps (which I am getting less than half of that). Also because the fixed line broadband that I was receiving was only around 30mbps and very poor (even compared to this). 

I'm just looking for tips and tricks for, helping wifi coverage around my home (such as recommending mesh wifi / installations of ethernet ports and access points (such as which is the best way if mesh wifi is unreasonable). As well as ways to help increase the signal speed from the cell tower

Here is my current setup:

- using the internal antenna from the router

- not connected any clients via ethernet as the router is positioned for best signal, not ease of use for connecting ethernet devices.

- uses the included wifi router, no external or wifi mesh (wifi signal is poor in some places)


I would prefer my solution to match the following:

- If I was to get an external antenna, it would have to be the right price to performance, as well as to be mounted inside the loft only. (I know where the cell tower is, so I could have a directional antenna if appropriate)

- If I was to purchase a mesh wifi, it would have to be at the right price to performance. In addition if I was to do any home wiring I would like it to all lead back to the loft where I would prefer the network setup to be kept

- Would prefer any solution to be perfect with little disruption.


In addition, all of the settings for the router are kept default. What would be the best settings to change, such as the band (and how could I find the best one). 




Rising star

Hello @superfast5gpls

>>> it came WITH the router so it has to be a 5g SIM

I don't think that there are different types of SIM on Three ; if you are in a 5G area, any SIM should bring in 5G. Can you confirm that please JonathanB ?

However, could the SIM be faulty ? It might be worth testing another Three SIM in your hub, testing your SIM in another gadget such as a 5G enabled mobile 'phone or asking CS for a replacement. 

Do you live within easy reach of a Three store ? The instore staff are usually very efficient at testing and replacing SIMs on the spot. 

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

That's right, all our SIMs are provisioned for 5G, so we could be looking at a faulty SIM or router here.

@superfast5gpls  Do you have a 5G phone you could test the router SIM in? Or if you have any Three phone SIMs could this be tested in the router? This would be the quickest ways to test if it's the router or the SIM that seems to be causing the issue.

If neither test is possible, then like @Avondale says, any Three store can replace your SIM for you, this helps avoid being out of service for a couple of days if we were to post a new SIM. Just make sure to bring your photo ID if you pop in, as they need to see this to make any account changes like SIM swaps.

Hope this helps, if the evidence seems to be pointing to the router itself being faulty then please let me know.


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oh okay so if the cell doesnt have say 78 & 3 you cant connect?