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Intermittent connection issues loading/changing site- secure connection failed/site can't be reached


Is anyone else occasionally getting a 'connection down' error from Chrome (or 'Secure Connection Failed' from Firefox) when changing page - if I hit refresh it works fine. At first I wondered if it was the site I was using but have noticed it on multiple different major websites over the past couple of months and not noticed it from other locations where I don't use Three Broadband so does seem to be related to the router/connection (this is via wired Ethernet too, so not a WiFi problem).  I've tried changing DNS server in case that helps but no difference.

It mainly seems to happen when trying to first load a site or (annoyingly) at checkout when a different site is being loaded as part of the checkout process.  It certainly doesn't happen everytime but does happen with reasonable frequency.  I've also noticed I often get it when trying to pull/push from/to Github too and have to do so a number of times for it to work (browsing the Github website works fine).

I'm using a NR5103E with Firmware Version V1.00(ACBJ.0)b14 - I tried rebooting it but to no effect.





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The sites themselves work, I.e. browsing . My specific issues arises when I try to pull docker images. So I have this issue where I cannot update my software reliably as the connection is made and drops out before completing. I often have to sit and click "retry" several hundred times before I luck out and get a stable transfer. It's maddening. I've had three for approx 9 months and this has arisen in the past 4-6 weeks. 



Sounds like my issue running the DCS World updater initiating.  I have to refresh the web page til it loads then quickly launch the updater for it to start to download.  Thankfully the update is once in a blue moon, however I was also having joining games too on mp servers, but since broke leg been unable to play for now to test that in itself, so for now its casual gaming, and work from home, which thankfully is laptop and vpn else I'd have been unable to work at all.  Xbox app flat out will not load at all for me (but maybe perhaps still a PC issue for that one to give Three the benefit of doubt, but I'm going to tether to my work phone when I get a moment free to rule it out)


Do we think that running a VPN at router level and then passing using IP passthrough to said router would mitigate the CONSTANT linux.oi and pull errors?


This would work in theory as VPNs and WARP are not blocked by Three

Not to be an annoying paper clip but do you mean and Both of those work for myself when using WARP



I'm unfamiliar with WARP


You can find out more about it here:



If your clients connect to that router with the VPN connection then I don't see why not. I considered similar but I don't have a router that can do VPN and the available machine to run such software is over a crappy power line adapter which would hurt performance even more than currently


Debugging call?? Does that mean some progress is being made.. or at least the issue is being looked into?


Let us all hope so
I will not place any bets on it but I am at least hopeful



Yes I was contacted and volunteered but because I also work when the call was scheduled I was second preference. I really hope something good comes of it.