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Issues with router return


Massively disappointed in the service I've received so far! I cancelled my three account on 21st May because I was moving and since then have been trying to return the router. When I cancelled my account, I was told that I will be receiving a dpd label and had already told the agent that I will not be at the registered address from 24th May as I was moving then - she assured me that I should be able to return the router with just the dpd label which I was meant to receive within 24 hours. Forward to 25th May, had not yet received the label so contacted three customer service again and was told that a new label will be sent and this time was told that a jiffy bag will be sent as an alternative too. I asked the guy to update the address where the jiffy bag will be sent to an alternative address I have access to since obviously I've moved out of the old address and do not have any access there. He agreed and updated the address on the system (I can see the updated address in the system). Double checked with him to confirm and he assured me that it is all sorted and should receive the jiffy bag at my alternative address. Forward to 5th June, contacted the customer service again as I still had not received anything. The customer service agent kept telling me the same things I've heard so far so I decided to escalate my complaint and see what's going on. The woman who took up my request was very unhelpful! She said that they've been experiencing an issue with dpd labels and is looking into resending the jiffy bag. I asked her which address the bag will be sent to and she says that its being sent to the registered address. I speak to her over and over again explaining the whole situation and how I need it sent to the alternative address and she was of no help! Mind you I also now live hours away from the address so really have no clue how I would be able to get do this. She just kept repeating that the alternative address was updated after cancellation and hence will not be sending it there which i think is outrageous especially considering how I was never meant to return it with a jiffy bag to start with! My complaint (Ref no. 240605102355560) was then opened and immediately closed because apparently there's nothing that can be done about it. How ridiculous is that!!! I cancelled my account over 2 weeks ago at this point and am meant to go travelling for a month from the 8th. I am so massively disappointed in the service I've received and want to see if there's any way to resolve this asap. Returning a wifi router should not be this complicated - I even asked for an address so I could just return it myself and was told that's not possible. I really feel like they're taking me for a fool and just wasting my time to ultimately charge me with a fine. Any advice on this will be appreciated!


Make a complaint here.

Community Support Team
Community Support Team

Hey JS1,

I'm so sorry to hear this has been the experience you've had with returning your hub to us. I'm going to send you a private message to advise you further with this. To view your private messages on the community, click on your avatar image in the top right of any community page, then "Messages".


Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.