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NR5103E won't connect to 5G


I just set up my new router and I can't connect to 5G, I seem to be limited to LTE only. My phone connects without issue.
Firmware is V1.00(ACBJ.0)b9 and I've been reading about b10 solving some issues (although those people were coming from b8). Any way I can force this update? I've tried looking for the firmware download in Zyxel's website with no luck


Similar issue here.

Hub was working fine for a month with a stable 5G connection.  This was on firmware B10.  Then all of a sudden hub is flipping constantly between LTE and 5G.  This was initially on B10 but has continued on b12.

Both mine and my wife's phones still showing full 5G signal on Three, solid 800mbps download and 100 up.. so clearly an issue with the Zyxel.  Any ideas before I cancel and move on?


Same problem here.  New NR5103E with b12 software.  I am getting solid 5G with my OnePlus 8 Pro mobile.  Also was getting 5G on the Huawei 5G Hub that I was using with Three until today.   The new Three 5G Hub NR5103E is locked solid on to 4G and will not connect to the 5G here at all. 

I am about 200 meters from the 5G mast that is also visible from where the Hub is located. 

If we cannot get this working I am going to have to put the SIM back into the Huawei 5G Hub!   I'd rather not do that. 



Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hey @danny_thompson,

This sounds like it could be a faulty NR5103E. 

I'll pop a private message over to you to put you in touch with the team that can help further with this.

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Same case here. Not connecting to 5G with the NR5103E but working fine in my mobile phone with the same SIM card.


Same issue here, straight out the box FW b12 still won't connect to 5G, all phones and old router are fine... This is so bad.


Same experience here. Arrived today worked great for all of 20m then a useless pain in the but - on 4G max speeds 6MB. I abandoned Three years ago and regretting getting involved in this already.


I am having this issue as well.  Firmware has now updated to b12 but I am still getting atrocious speeds and latency makes it pretty much unusable.  Very frustrated as when I took the contract I was getting a phenomenal connection (250-450down and 80-90 up) which resulted in me cancelling my home broadband  but for the last several months it has been dreadful.  Getting good connection on my phone but not on the router.  Fobbed off two times by customer services now and after recently suffering a rather bad head injury I have just not had it in me to try again but all I really want now is a replacement router!! Can you help Jonathan??


Yep, that's the same as me. 

Initially great performance as I have line of sight to the mast. And, before I renewed, no significant issues with the Huawei router. 

However now since renewal and being told to send back the Huawei and use this Zyxel, it's done the same thing - gone from 350-500mbps peak times, over 1gbps late at night, to 90-100mbps and shocking latency of 600-900ms. 

Coincidentally happened just as maintenance was being done on that local mast. But, I've checked my wife's phone's connection (it's on ID mobile, so sharing the 3 network), and even in the middle of the day it's reaching 1.2gbps. 

Seems like the shoddy Zyxel is only actually utilising 4G, despite showing great 5G reception. 

Customer services have passed the buck from 1st line, to 2nd line, to another entity to do an "investigation" which will take about a week apparently. Great news for me when I work from home and there's about a second of audio delay on Teams calls, not. 


Same issue with mine, been on the phone for hours with Three trying to resolve, just get told to reset it and then try changing the sim for a new one.


I’m metres away from 5G mast and get 800-1000mbps on my phone (also three network) but only 40-100mbps on the router?


please help

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @richardhenrys,

I'm sorry to hear that you're not picking up 5G on your new router. Has this been an issue from day 1 of receiving it? What firmware version does it show, is it up to date with version ending B14?

As you're with Three for phone also, can you try swapping the SIM cards between the 2 devices? That should clearly establish if the issue is with the router or not if the same SIM can get 5G in your mobile, or if your phone SIM has the same issue in the router.


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