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Goodbye Three and good riddance


Well the chiefs at Three pat themselves on each others backs after a good migration

But of course they completely forgot their customers during that time

No warning or text to prepare their customers that some may lose data

No compensation for those that lost two days of data meaning they couldn't connect to the internet

What are you moaning about some may same, most have broadband or internet at home

True but what about if your away from home and in Scotland, travelling 9 hours down the motorway back home in bad weather with no traffic updates for your sat nav, no weather forecast information, no email messages, i think you get the point

So do Three say sorry, do they compensate those that paid and lost two days?

Of course not

Instead they set up a useless bot system that is as much help as an ashtray on a motorbike

They have a call system, the laughable 333, that send you to every internet service for answers, laughable

So from me its a Goodbye and Good Riddance

A very unhappy customer, one amongst many


Transparency is a huge issue with Three. There are never any announcements beyond the vague (and occasional) texts to say work is going on in your area.

Even just a simple notice on the website about the migration and needing to re-register would have saved a load of headaches, and then something to say problems will be resolved once they realised it was bigger than the initial problem.

I guess they think it's bad PR to announce they screwed up even if it annoys the hell out of their customers?

Local celebrity

Not wanting to defend 3 but the total membership of the community is a very small percentage of its customer base. A lot of the members joined only to enter a prize draw and lots register to ask a question and never come back. However, 3 has blown a howitzer sized hole in its foot with this system upgrade and heads should role. I spent many years in software development and I still cannot figure out why its 1 email per number.

Any dissatisfied customer is often a lost customer and I don't know what the rate of departure is.

3 is cheap and if you don't pay much then you cannot expect the best service, at least I don't.