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Paygo queries


Does anyone know how long it takes before you can start using data after buying a data pack? Usually I can call and text straight away, but can't access anything online for a few hours.

Also is anyone else having issues getting the adult content blocker taken off. I don't have a credit card. For some reason they can't find my address on Experian even though I have an account on there with up to date address. Also the shops can't do it with ID because their system doesn't do it with the new paygo customers. Is there another way of having it taken off like of I email my ID to three like you can do with smarty mobile for example.

Thanks in advance.

Not applicable

Two questions!

1) You should be able to access data immediately so if you’re having any issues try turning your phone off and on and in most cases that’ll update your network connection and you should be good to go.

2) You can get the adult bar lifted by registering your credit card on the my Three app as proof of age. If you don’t have a credit card customer service can do an online Experion age verification to confirm your age and allow them to lift the age restriction. This will have zero impact on your credit score.

Hope you get things sorted.


As in my original message, I do not have a credit card. Also they cannot find my address to confirm my ID on Experian, despite the fact I have an Experian account.

Not applicable

Then I’m really sorry I have nothing else I can suggest to help you. I do however find it strange that Experian can’t find your address. 


Being unable to access to data after a topup is usually resolved by doing flight mode on/off. Normally no need to reboot.

As for the other issue, you need to confirm that the details Three have match your ones on Experian. Even something as silly as a space in the postcode can sometimes trip up these systems. With the account issues at the moment I would expect a lot of people are having similar problems.