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Issues with GoRoam in the USA


I’m currently in San Francisco, and have used my phone without issue for the past two days.


I got a text this morning saying I’ve reached my spend cap limit. I don’t know how to fix this, but I assume this is why I can’t use my phone now unless I have a wifi connection. 
Can anyone advise hiw I can fix this? Really struggling without maps or access to public transport tickets!

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Community Moderator

Hi @FMCampbell,

I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing all this disruption to your stay in the US. It sounds as though you may have a £10 spend limit, and that's why you've only been able to roam for 2 days at the £5 daily rate.

If you're able to log into My3 you should be able to amend this limit to another increment between £20-£100 or remove it completely.

If you're having trouble accessing your online account, I've also sent you a private message to your community account, which will direct you to further help. Click on your avatar in the top right of any community page, then "Messages" to find it


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Not sure that this helps but:

  • Had same issue in NY in July.
  • For some reason the phone decided to use cost per MB , even though I was set up to pay the £5 per day go roam charge. - chewed through my data allowance within about an hour, without doing anything . Meaning Cap was reached and I was locked out
  • I managed to call 333 (maybe using hotel wifi, I forget) and eventually managed to get them to remove the spend cap. 

The longer term problem is with the subsequent billing:

When spend cap was removed, they were unable to reverse the per MB charge and replace with the £5 I was expecting, as “you have to wait for the bill to be generated and then call”

I have now had to call them on a monthly basis to get the incorrect charge reversed. Have had a number of separate promises it will happen the next bill a number of times, yet it never does. Have spent several hours on the phone trying to escalate etc (At least 7 calls of between 30 minutes and 1 hour long) . Have so far received a £25 goodwill credit, but still not a credit for the incorrect £36 of data charges, that happened 4 months ago. I have had many separate assurances that the credit will definitely happen next time, and 

It seems more than one of the front line agents haven’t been correctly trained on use of their systems

Sorry if below counts as spam, but here my notes of conversations. Including the complaint number (32724654 If anyone from Three is reading).  I still have no assurance that the charge has been refunded (Have to wait until a 4 December bill to be able to check that


  • 7/11 called 333/ 3/2/2. no credit received on 4 Nov bill. Ashish complaints dept. He says £36 credit now applied ref  32724654 (same complaint). Need to look at 4 Dec bill to confirm, although at least this this time I get a text saying "we've applied a credit to your account", which hasn't happened with the other promises
  • 5/10 called 333 / 3/ 2/ 2 (thinking of leaving). Repeated the story. put me through to Angela in customer services. She has applied £36 credit for next month.   (she has also cc'd manager in notes - so it will definitely happen on 3 Nov)
  • 4/10 bill shows a £25 credit, but not the 36 credit. Tried chat, but timed out
  • 23/9/22 they had not removed the £36 . Called got through to accounts spoke with someone who said it failed last time. This time it will definitely happen and I should get a text to confirm. Said very disappointed that it would take  me a further 3 months to get my 35 back, as I only pay 12 per month. I received a text that I will get a credit. Then got put though to high escalation team. spoke with Vishar - he will give me a further £25 credit. Complaint No 32724654
  • 7/9/22 they agreed a £36 refund.  will come out of 23/9 DD (agent promised on 7/9)
  • 13/8 agreed a  £36 refund to come off next bill
  • 30/7/22 go roam not working. Locked out of phone when data cap reached. Called three, they will remove the spend limit cap so I can use phone. Need to wait ot next bill being generated before calling help desk to get incorrect charges credited
Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @soulsbn,

I'm really disappointed to hear that you've been trying to get your billing sorted out since this issue in July. That's definitely not the experience we want you to have! 

I can't access your case over the community platform, however I want to ensure this is 100% sorted and that this doesn't extend a further month. I'll private message you with how to get in touch with some colleagues that can make sure this is resolved for you.


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