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Network Issues - 01/12/2023

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi Everyone,

A number of customers may be experiencing issues with our network. We are aware of what the issue is and our engineers are working to fix it as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Hopefully this will be resolved soon, please refrain from starting new threads about network issues in the meantime, I expect this will be the same issue in most cases and the service will be restored as soon as possible.

All the new threads created about this today will be merged onto this one so that we can update you all accordingly.


**Update 02/12/2023 1125**

Following yesterday’s network issue the majority of services have been restored.
We’re still seeing a small number of customers not connecting correctly to our network and our engineers are working to fully fix this.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
**Update 02/12/2023 1630**
Following yesterday’s network issue services have now been fully restored. If anyone is still having an issue, they should fully restart their device to reconnect to our network. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.

141 REPLIES 141

My phone has been saying no service all afternoon it was fine this morning? I can’t chat on the hot coz it says I can’t verify the number and due to no device I can’t call 333


A number of customers may be experiencing issues with our network. We are aware of what the issue is and our engineers are working to fix it as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


Hopefully this will be resolved soon, please refrain from starting new threads about network issues in the meantime, I expect this will be the same issue in most cases and the service will be restored as soon as possible.




I left EE for a cheaper contract to end up here where I might as well not have a contract anyways ? With two kids and having no signal the whole day - with one at school and living without any clue if something happens.. now the whole afternoon again with no signal.. on top of that we have a three broadband which is actually finishing soon but already got a new one with EE and thank god we did.. because otherwise I wouldn’t even be able to type this right now lol. What a joke.

Local celebrity

You get what you pay for and I left ee due to poor network performance and lousy customer service. When I joined 3 the service was worse than I expected but it has improved to be better than Vodafone and is more consistent than ee.


I can appreciate this, however I was with ee for 10 years and honestly have no complains. Now, I have no complains when it comes to 3s customer service however this is unfortunate and super inconvenient as we have no clue when anything will be back to normal. Thankfully it’s the weekend tomorrow, one just got to suck it up and await news. 


Phone is showing no service, cannot ring from my iphone, called from the landline and got a continual engaged tone. Come on Three why cannot someone send a text/WhatsApp/Tweet to update us or have you all gone home for the weekend. Shabby customer services.

Rising star

Why is Wificalling not working during this current serious network outage?


Jonathan, if we could successfully access customer support, we wouldn't need to resort to posting on the community page. What insights can Three gather from these complaints to enhance their services?


Put sim in new iPhone 11 but I am not receiving calls. I can call out. Anybody had this before?


Network issues today!