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Unusabe Network


I’ve been paying for years and years, only to have poor to no signal, regardless of my location in the country - be it Scotland, Yorkshire, Wales, the Midlands, or even London. This issue persists across many different types of phones. The data signal is so-so bad, especially in London. I’m even struggling to load pages now, like a simple forum. I’ve called numerous times and received unhelpful offers like:

• ‘Have you tried resetting/wiping your phone?’
• ‘We’re sorry, we value you. Try turning off your data and then on again.’
• ‘Have you tried turning off 5G?’

Additionally, the signal quality during calls is so poor that people often can’t hear me. Three has been such an awful network. The only reason I stayed for years was due to loyalty. However, it’s time for me to switch now. It’s a terrible network. What’s the point in unlimited 5G/data when I can’t even use it? 

Local celebrity

Someone will ask the question so why not me. If you have been suffering for years why have you not moved networks before? Before you move get sims from other networks and check they have coverage in the areas you need it, don't rely on coverage checkers. It's what I do each time my contract is up as some networks are investing more than others in my area.

Not applicable

I have to say that I don’t believe you when you describe your decision to stay with Three is/was out of loyalty. I think you’re making a noise in the hope that you’ll get a better deal from the network and I totally agree with sc1999 in as much as I wouldn’t have put up with a poor service for so long. Three is a long way from perfection but I genuinely don’t recognise your description of it. 


The days of Three's patchy network coverage are long gone. In fact in most rural areas I've been to, I get 3G and some 4G on Three and on my O2 sim I only picked up 2G which is ridiculous for 2023 when most of developed countries have shut down 2G.

Even with loyalty discounts and poor service discounts, why pay for something that doesn't work. It's never been easier to switch