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6 weeks of Account Madness since 3 system update


In the last 6 weeks Husband & I have spoken to approx 15 different (Always Different) 3 advisors. It started when were unable to register the 3 App and a 3 advisor talked us through the proccess and yet we ended up with: Me/my phone number account in my husbands name. Husband unable to see his phone details, but able to access mine with his own seperate login details.

Every time we discuss the issue it takes both of us together waiting & repeating the same old story. I cannot discuss issues with 3 on my own as they will not talk to ME about MY phone as they have it in my husbands name. Husband cannot discuss issue on his own because the passcodes & unique numbers are sent to my phone. Every time we go through the issue with a new advisor they end up saying that they will sort it out and ask us to try logging in again in 48hrs We give them 3 days or longer and find that nothing has changed. We start again.

At one point husband was told that they had him on a rolling contract (not sure why) and he would have to take out a new contract in order for them to sort out the issue. This turned out to be untrue. The issue remained the same, so he cancelled the contract before the 14 days had passed to return to rolling, stating his unwillingness to be trapped in this mess for another 2 years. Subsequently he has found he is being charged twice the amount of his previous rolling contract. This was not agreed on and I think it is devious and downright skanky behavior by 3 to punish the customer they are already letting down so badly. 

The first issue here is the system update that has caused these problems

The second issue is that 3 advisors are clearly not able or willing to help. We are kept on hold, passed on to other people, told things that are not true, sent round in circles. Nobody at 3 is accountable to the customer, they all throw our problem around like it is some kind of game.

At time of posting we are waiting for the 3rd Manager we have spoken to get back to us (no one else has called us back) Wish us luck!


@Caulfieldland wrote:

I'm afraid it's even worse for me...

Thank you for your comments

Well for me the the matter is getting worse and worse day by day. About 10 days ago I spoke to some strange Three staff member (giving me his name as Practik) who told me that the reason I am having all these problems re-registering by Three account is because I am not using a gmail email address. He told me in no uncertain terms that Three only accepts email addresses for customer registration. I told him I have had a personal (non gmail) email address with Three for 10 years with no problems whatever but he obstinately refused to re-register my account with that email address and insisted I must only register with a gmail address. This seemed to me one of the biggest pieces of nonsense I have ever heard from a company that am a customer of. He forced me to generate a new gmail address for myself and re-register my Three account with it despite my strong objections. After that I spoke other Three staff who assured me there is no gmail only rule. Therefore I have asked Three to remove that unwanted gmail address and re-register with my proper personal address. However, after more than 10 days, Three still cannot get my account re-registered with my correct email address and tell me I may have to wait yet another week for the matter to be sorted.

Alongside this I have found a worrying matter with this Community site related to the ridiculous must use problem. I attempted to report this nonsense through a post in this Community but bizarrely it has been rejected as SPAM which I consider totally appropriate. This is my alleged SPAM post:

Could someone here please explain to me why this Community has tossed it into the SPAM bucket?

Local celebrity

There is only one word to describe the Gmail comment and it starts with the second letter of the alphabet and ends with the nineteenth. 

I registered, and re-registered, with the same email and password and I use my personal domain.

In some companies Gmail addresses are automatically dumped in the spam folder. I use 365 and Microsoft puts their own emails in my spam folder.

Rising star


I hope that one of our moderators - maybe @JohnD or @JonathanB - will take a look at this as the whole thing is absolutely bizarre ! 


Thanks, today I messaged the first of the 2 moderators you mentioned but so far I have not received a response. As I am new here can someone suggest how long it might take to receive a reply?

I am very concerned that my post here reporting the lie about gmail addresses being mandatory appears to have been sabotaged by someone here by marking it as SPAM for no reason. I have also sent a formal complaint last week to Three about their staff telling me the lie that only gmail addresses can be used for registering Three accounts. I have so far received no response to my complaint

I am appalled by the totally shambolic way Three has managed the move to the new system. I no longer recommend Three and it is unlikely that I will renew my Three contracts when they expire

Local celebrity

The moderators are not full-time and dip in and out. It is Saturday so you may need to be patient. 


@sc1999 wrote:

The moderators are not full-time and dip in and out. It is Saturday so you may need to be patient. 

OK it's Monday today and I hope the moderators can remove the inappropriate SPAM label from my post reporting a Three staff member who lied to me about gmail addresses being mandatory for customers registering an account:

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @MarvEllis,

I'm sorry that a spam filter picked up your post in error and that it took us a while to restore this. Our spam filter is automated, and generally picks up on repetitive posts, or where it thinks there's inappropriate details being shared.

It looks like "" was incorrectly determined to be an attempt to share personal info, or solicit contact. I appreciate this was an analogy on your part, but to an automated filter this seemed like spam.

I see you've posted a reply on the thread now, but I just wanted to apologise and clarify what happened.


Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.


@JonathanB wrote:

Hi @MarvEllis,

I'm sorry that a spam filter picked up your post in error and that it took us a while to restore this. Our spam filter is automated, and generally picks up on repetitive posts, or where it thinks there's inappropriate details being shared.

It looks like "" was incorrectly determined to be an attempt to share personal info, or solicit contact. I appreciate this was an analogy on your part, but to an automated filter this seemed like spam.

I see you've posted a reply on the thread now, but I just wanted to apologise and clarify what happened.


Thanks for your explanation as to why my post was marked a SPAM when it was not.

However, there's another problem I had with the inappropriate SPAM marking which you haven't addressed. When I noticed the unexpected SPAM marking I saw a notification alongside it which said:
"Marked as spam. If you believe this is an error, submit an abuse report."
Since I considered the post was most certainly not spam I was puzzled why it was telling me to submit an abuse report which seemed a totally inappropriate link I did follow that crazy abuse report link and, as expected, it got me nowhere.

Can I ask that you alter the "... submit an abuse report." suggestion. Instead of the bizarre abuse report link, why not provide a link to enable the reader to submit a this post is incorrectly marked as spam report and it would have saved me a few days wondering how I could get the spam maker removed. Being a newbie I had no idea of the need to contact a moderator

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @MarvEllis,

I get where you're coming from, that is a really odd wording. Abuse report does sounds like where you'd be reporting inappropriate content, rather than appealing an incorrect decision.

I've flagged this up for review. In the meantime I've set up some more pro-active reporting for anything going into Spam and Abuse reports.


Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.


I feel your pain. I have exactly the same issues.