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on 23-05-2022 04:38 PM
Eu roaming charges seem to be very much on the way back for UK customers. As many of us in the UK will now be returning, or thinking of returning, to international travel as covid restrictions ease, is it time for government action on this to compel these companies to remove these unjustified charges?
on 25-05-2022 11:39 AM
This is something 3 must urgently fix. It is simply unacceptable.
on 25-05-2022 11:20 AM
Come on THREE. Do the right thing.
on 25-05-2022 11:40 AM
Exactly this is an insane step back to middle age.
on 24-05-2022 04:34 PM
I've been with Three for 10+ years now. I've had to recently change my tariff, because they were getting rid of older ones (which I was on), which means I lose all of my benefits, like the not having to pay for Roaming! (You don't have to pay if your contract started before a certain date.) I'm a bit annoyed by this and actually thought twice about not taking out a new contract with Three. In this climate, Three really should be thinking about ways to keep customers instead of turning them away.
on 26-07-2022 05:53 AM
I completely agree with you. This happened to me as well. Recently, I was forced to change my contract as It was old. I was the fair user of roaming data and minutes. Now I have to pay £2 to use data every 24 hour. Even after paying £2 every day the limit is just 12GB for a month.
on 24-05-2022 10:34 AM
This is a very serious issue, 3 must be able to offer better roaming packages.
on 24-05-2022 08:43 AM
We all new that this was likely to happen when our oven ready Brexit was delivered. It's probably a form of tax evasion, or avoidance, by the networks as many are not UK owned. The overseas owners can transfer funds from the UK and not pay UK tax on the income. It's akin to an offshore company charging its UK business millions for the use of the logo.
What can or will the government do? Nothing as most of the mobile companies are foreign owned and they can syphon as much costs as they like from the UK company so it has no profits to tax. Take away their licences, contractual nightmare. Ban them from bidding when the spectrum license comes up for renewal. I am not sure if the mobile companies spectrum licenses are perpetual.
Buy a SIM in the country you are going to and leave a message on you UK SIM giving out the new local number. We used to do that before free roaming.
on 23-05-2022 08:15 PM
on 23-05-2022 08:15 PM
The lack of roaming charges made staying connected when travelling so much easier in the past years and it is such a pity that we now seem to be taking steps back. Hopefully, new packages can be made available that solve this problem.
on 23-05-2022 08:02 PM
Is it only O2 that does charge for EU roaming?
on 25-05-2022 03:20 PM
Think three and Vodafone have announced changes