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Trying To Register Multiple Phones


I have been trying to register a number of phones but it appears that the only way to do this is by assigning a different email address for each mobile number.  I can register the first number OK but as soon as I try to register the second one it's rejected because the details are already registered, why are Three using the email address to differentiate between accounts, is the mobile number not a good enough differentiator.

I spent over 2 hours with various customer and tech support personnel only to reach the conclusion that it can't be done.

So if I had 20 phone numbers I would need 20 separate email addresses to be able to register them for the My3 App.

I'm told this is for security, my account for the second phone number is very secure because I haven't got an account and I certainly won't be creating an additional email to fulfil Threes stupid requirements.

Am I the only person with more than one Three Mobile numbers, looking at moving to another provider that doesn't need multiple email addresses to register.


Nothing's changed. I have 4 numbers, all paid from my bank account, and today was told I need a separate email address for each number????  I don't have 4 email addresses. Was told by the advisor that I need to create them!!


I'm in exactly the same situation, I have 3 accounts which were all registered with the numbers and now I need 3 email addresses which in my opinion giving my details to 2 new email providers isn't very secure for me


Idiocy beyond words - I think it's finally time to leave!