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BEWARE: Three Broadband =1/10 !!!


I recently moved from BT Broadband to Three broadband, as I saw that BT's pricing was astronomical, including me paying for a landline I never used for calls. The saying goes, "you get what you pay for" and when I used BT, it NEVER failed  buffered or wasn't crystal clear no matter where I was in the house, vital for work and facetime. (BT service = 10/10. Pricing = 2/10) Shame that the same can't be said of Three's 5G broadband. which gives a terrible connection (1/10). So I bought a good plug in booster, but it hasn't improved things much.

So now I'm contemplating setting up a mesh network (Three recommend EERO.. DO YOU AGREE?). this means spending more with no guarantees! .. if I wasn't under contract, I'd leave Three!

What do you recommend as the solution to the above and is Eero the only and best way forward.. ?

Key player

Before switching did you not check coverage for your postcode??


I was given strong 5G numbers (middle of Berkshire).. and it seems I am no where near those numbers... 


Reading through the community and other forrums, my issues are not unique, in fact my network and broadband issues are common place, despite your positioning of these being isolated instances.. 



I had an ID mobile contract so tested the broadband via usb tethering to my pc for a few weeks before getting the Three broadband hub. Also used network cell info lite (android) to check the 5G signal level in different parts of the house to get an idea of the signal level. I am getting around -82dBm which gives very good speeds of around 700mbps.

If your signal level is weaker than -95dBm then that is why you are probably getting a bad connection since the hub will be switching to 4G randomly.

Community Support Team
Community Support Team

Hello, Geordie. 

There seems to be some confusion in relation to what connection you are referring to. In replies you've indicated that you're having issues with the 5G, but in the original post, you mentioned a solution (mesh network) which would only be effective in resolve Wifi connection problems. 

Can you clarify where the issue is coming from? If you're unsure, the best way to test would be to connect the router to a device via an ethernet cable and test the connection there. If you can't do that, test the connection on some wireless device while sitting right next to the hub. Once you've established where the issue is, please let us know. 


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Sorry for any confusion, i thought i was clear that my Three broadband uses 5G hence why query

Community Support Team
Community Support Team

If it's a 5G issue, it would be best to avoid looking at Mesh systems for now, as it would be best to ensure you've got the 5G issue resolved before looking at the Wifi side of things. 

For the 5G issues, it might be worth trying different placements for the Hub. Having the Hub at a different side of the house, especially near a window can have a big impact on the connection. It that doesn't help, it might be worth trying to factory reset the hub to ensure there are no configuration issues in the software. 

If you're still having issues after all that, it would be best to speak to the Support Team and have some additional checks performed by them. Hopefully one of the steps will result in success for you. 


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