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Breach of Privacy!


So just found out yesterday that Three have been sending personal emails from themselves, that should have been sent to me, to another email address that isn't mine for the past few years!

I live in the UK, what are my options?

Watch your backs with Three... absolutely unprofessional!!! 😡

Not applicable

Perhaps you could elaborate please. I’m really not sure what you’re on about. Do you mean that they have an incorrect email address for you?


Yes, sorry...

They initially took my email down wrong. My contract was up a while ago & they were still billing me. I phoned them & they insisted that they had emailed me about it. When I finally managed to get them to understand, they admitted they had taken the wrong email. Not before trying to put the blame on me. The woman I spoke to yesterday even took the complaint & wrote it up wrong in the Case, with loads of spelling mistakes. It was unreadable.

I spoke to Three via the Digital Assistant as they had phoned me today, but I was unavailable to take the call & that they had emailed me that I had 28 days to get back in touch with them. I gave the complaint number & was told the Case had been closed. I told them about the email I had received about getting back to them... yet again, they had no clue. Yet again I had the hassle of trying to convince them.

After all this, it dawned on me, who was getting my personal emails from Three all that time!?!!

The complaint is now open... they also emailed me after, that the Case had been updated & to check it. When I went to check it, the Account has been closed & I am unable to check. This complaint is on another account I had.

It's been nothing but hassle with Three lately the past year. I seriously can't wait to be done with them 🙄

I've all messages & chats screenshotted & logged.



Absolutely disgusted!

Not applicable

On face value I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do. On this forum we’re all customers but there are moderators who work for Three who may be able to help you. I’ll tag one of them asking them to get in touch with you. All I’d do is get you to raise a complaint but as you’ve gone down that avenue there’s little point. @JonathanB Can you help this customer at all please?

I hope you get sorted.


Thanks 👍 😊 

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @BIG_Jay_C_G,

I'm sorry to hear about this error with your email and how this has been subsequently handled. I've sent you a PM to get you in touch with some colleagues who can take a closer look into this.

To view your private messages on the community, click on your avatar image in the top right of any community page, then "Messages".


Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.

Not applicable

Thanks for helping.