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Cannot Log in to Account


I've been having the same issue for a week. I can't login from any point of access I have, different browsers, devices, apps, or IP addresses. I'm going round in circles with customer support and need to get into my account to change my payment details. It's extremely frustrating, especially for a mobile and broadband company to have such out-of-the-ordinary issues and shortages with its online services. I now can't update my bank details and so can't pay for the service and have no internet. I can see this happening with multiple service users over a long period. What exactly are we supposed to do except find another provider? Its beyond frustrating.


Same here. New 3 customer and its very frustrating!!


Same issue as the rest on here. I signed up as New customer since the 25th May via fonehouse (New contract). Can login to the website but immediate greeted with a "Something went wrong.We can’t load part or all of the information right now, please try again or contact helpdesk". Spoken to about 7 members of staff via chat, two of which were complaints team. Still no fix, and no progress after about 6+ hours of chat support.

Looks like there are big issues with the new system, and non of their staff are trained up to a satisfactory level. Took them 3 requests to get them to send me my first bill...and even that looks yet more of my time needed to speak to them about that. 

See the other threads on here. Others with same issue and no way forward.