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Smartwatch Pairing Plan issue


I'm having trouble setting up a mobile plan with my Samsung Watch 5 Pro.  It keeps on giving me an error with "Smartwatch Pairing isn't available with you plan" message.

I do have the Smartwatch Pairing as an add-on to my Unlimited Data Unlimited Minutes plan and using a Samsung S22 Ultra.


Screenshot_20230308_120146_Galaxy Watch5 Manager.jpg


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Darkstar,

Samsung watch pairing is currently only available on our Three Your Way plans that launched on the 30th January 2023. It looks like you're on one of our older plans at the moment going by the screenshot?

We're working to make Samsung watch pairing available to customers on all plans, and expect to have this in place later this year. For the moment, customers on our older plans only have access to pairing Apple watches with iPhones. You should still be able to pair via Bluetooth when in range of your phone.


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Hi Jonathan. I've just been gifted a smartwatch 4 as a present. Am i right in thinking theres no way for me to get pairing with this watch at the moment? And will the smartwatch4 be included in the pairing later this year to allow network connectivity on its own? Or will it only be smartwatch 5? Thanks. 

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @James78,

Yeah in terms of the Samsung Watches, it's the 5 onwards that is supported, and right now on Three Your Way plans only. I'll certainly pass the feedback on in case we can add support for any of the older watches though.


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That’s not true about Apple Watch pairing 

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Gary,

We've responded to your replies on multiple community threads. I sent you a private message when you originally posted on the community reporting issues pairing your Apple watch last year.

You need to speak to the team I've linked you to there so that we can investigate this further. I can only assume that you're having trouble navigating the community and/or finding your private messages as you've never directly came back to me or Steph any time we've responded to you.

To view your messages click on your avatar image in the top right of any community page, then "Messages", you can also use the "Notifications" option there to view when someone has replied or @ mentioned you on a post. Hopefully the below image helps you find these:


It's also worth verifying your email with the community so that you get email notifications about replies and private messages. If you search your emails from when you first registered you should have received an email with a verification link, if it's not in your inbox, check your spam or junk folders.


Three Community is celebrating our 2nd Birthday with a prize draw! join in here


Sorry mate got nowhere and I’m stuck with a £600 remote control when streaming lol 

but open too any ideas to resolve I did go to a three shop and they said that don’t do esims so still lost 



Hi Jonathan, I have the pro 5 watch and have just got off the phone to customer service who sold me a 1 month add on for this. And surprise I also get the same issue. The thing that really gets me is the Three website has a page for smart pairing and says you do Samsung 5 watches, so much so you can even buy them with the plan from the online 3 shop so why is it not available/ working just as an add on and why advertise it?


Any news on when this will be available to customers on a Business Plan?