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Network Issues - 01/12/2023

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi Everyone,

A number of customers may be experiencing issues with our network. We are aware of what the issue is and our engineers are working to fix it as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Hopefully this will be resolved soon, please refrain from starting new threads about network issues in the meantime, I expect this will be the same issue in most cases and the service will be restored as soon as possible.

All the new threads created about this today will be merged onto this one so that we can update you all accordingly.


**Update 02/12/2023 1125**

Following yesterday’s network issue the majority of services have been restored.
We’re still seeing a small number of customers not connecting correctly to our network and our engineers are working to fully fix this.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
**Update 02/12/2023 1630**
Following yesterday’s network issue services have now been fully restored. If anyone is still having an issue, they should fully restart their device to reconnect to our network. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.

141 REPLIES 141

I'm having problems 


My network don’t work


What is going on?  No coverage at all since this morning


why have I had no network the whole day, it’s been in and out of coverage when I make phone calls it comes back for a short period then gone again. I have a business to run through this number!!! Unbelievable 


Hi anyone else got no signal in the PO14 area? Three support is useless, coverage checker will not recognise my postcode yet it will if I search for a local store.

The live chat is useless no response at all and nobody answering a phone. Totally usless.

Can't even make a complaint as the link tells me I have navigate to a old webpage!!!!!!!!

Only just joined three no want to go back to EE never had any trouble with them in 5 years!


Absolutely ridiculous, I haven't had any service phone has gone onto "Emergency calls only" sine 12pm today. I rely on my phone highly for my professional work and due to 3 network being down I have not been able to work, receive calls make calls or message!!!!  I have young children at home whom I normally have regular contact with while at work but today there has been no contact at all. This needs to be sorted ASAP


No network coverage all day now gettin beyond a joke   how long does it take  


Neither my Three Wifi nor my roaming were working this afternoon (Leeds)--I was just about to head out to the Three store, utterly confused, when my Wifi started working again. Still absolutely no signal though, so no phone calls/texts. I'm so curious as to what might have caused/is causing a problem on such a large scale, please update with as much detail as possible.


No reception for over an hour now. From the morning today, I got multiple missed calls which the phone didn't notify as missed calls but only messages from Three to verify this. 

Since 3pm, there has been no reception. This is not only in one location as I was travelling from Watford on the overground service. The entire journey (including on the bus route) had no reception. Sometimes the reception comes back for a minute or two and during this time mobile data doesn't work. Couldn't make any phone calls or searches. Tried switching phone on and off multiple times and didn't work. 

Very frustrating and very disappointing service. 


We are having similar issue since morning.