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Forced apps after Software Update


Absolutely disgusted by Three's latest money-grabbing scheme that forces game downloads after a Software Update.

As has happened with all software updates in recent months, when the latest Samsung/Android update happened this morning, Three forced me to review app suggestions.

I was irritated but expecting that, so went into it, unticked everything, and was about to Confirm, when I realised 3 apps didn’t have a box to untick and were called "essentials".

Sure enough, when I closed that menu, MistPlay, Solitaire, and Blackjack were slowly installed.

I immediately held their icons and uninstalled them again.

I have been carefully managing my storage and I have been avoiding new games for my mental wellbeing (to minimise screen time and distractions). It's annoying being asked about apps every update, but I can handle it. Being FORCED to take apps I don't want (presumably because Three gets a cut of the ad money) is horrendous customer service.

3 lessons for Three...

1. Stop forcing people to review games every software update - it's a stressor for people with limited digital skills.

2. Never force games and payment based apps onto people's phones. You are legitimising apps that look like scams (even if these 3 weren't) and are just asking for people to be harmed when they unwittingly get into difficulty.

3. I manage my storage. I manage what I need my phone for. Get your mits off my phone content 🤬


You sound very stupid, no wonder you're anonymous. 


This literally just happened to me. I had NOTHING selected to download and when I finished the process, three STILL pushed apps to my phone (which weren't even options mind you) to be downloaded, which I then uninstalled. 

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @mlandsburgh,

It's my understanding that this is a Samsung feature. If you search online for terms like Samsung suggested apps you'll see this occurs on Samsung devices from a number of service providers in various countries.

I'll happily pass your feedback on, but I'm not aware of this having any connection to Three's services.


Mod tip! The author of a post can hit 'Accept as Solution', to highlight a reply that helped solved their query.


Stop the lies @JonathanB. The app that suggests the apps is a Three app, there's absolutely no doubt about it. Every bit of it looks like the Three website. You really expect people to believe Samsung would use There's branding, colour scheme and layout for suggested apps? That makes no sense, especially when you consider Samsung HAS IT'S OWN app store.

Three has all the devices purchased from them installed with overlays and software specific to Three (like the Three and Three+ apps) so they most definitely can have this suggested app feature installed on the phones. 


The exact same thing happens to me and I absolutely hate it.

 I do not want apps I haven't consented to being forced into my phone, without me having turned off tracking cookies for a start. Some apps throw out thousands of tracking attempts every time you open them. Why would I allow a company to do that without my consent?

It's an invasion of my privacy. I want to decide what goes on my phone. Surely that's my right as a consumer.

This time it didn't even get to the uncheck boxes stage - there was just suddenly a random game on my phone. Same thing happened to my partner a couple of days later, though that phone got 2 new apps, and they were different than mine. 

At the same time (may or may not be related) a bunch of my privacy settings were changed and the government emergency alert can no longer be turned off (with a bonus 'can read sms messages') with it. 

Not applicable

Referring to an earlier post can I please ask what handset you’re using?


We have an S20 and an S23.

Not applicable

Thanks. Then I can only refer you to the replies given by our forum moderator @JonathanB stating that this is likely to be  a Samsung issue which apparently happens on other networks as well as Three. I’m  sorry not to give you a more helpful answer. 


Thank you 😊 (more characters...)


Yeh I recently had to clear down a phone getting near the storage limit and found loads of games that I had no idea were installed! It was something like 2Gb used without my knowledge...  assume from this Samsung update process.

I now know to uncheck games after the update, but there are always some that I am forced to install. I assume Samsung are paid to do this as it will show as more downloads on the Play Store? If it does, it's misleading other users to how popular the apps are.

For those on limited data allowance, it must be annoying, or for those using phones for government or with work phones which are audited/tracked it doesn't look good either. 


I recently noticed this. An undeletable message, "Complete your OS upgrade Click to get started" only disappears if you click it. And you aren't completeing your OS upgrade, but instead at least 3 apps get installed on your phone that you have not authorised!!!!! I have over fifty such apps on my phone and my phone is rapidily running out of space. My contract ends soon, had enough of being bombarded by ads and forced installation of apps. Goodbye 3 had enough of it.