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Absolutely terrible service


If anyone is reading this that is considering switching to three broadband, DO NOT DO IT.

the customer service is terrible, internet constantly drops out and download speeds not what was advertised.

Not applicable

I get your frustration but on the converse I’ve had Three mobile broadband (which I also use at home) for a good while and have had no issues. I absolutely agree that customer service is at best patchy but if you’re having problems I would urge you to recount your problems to them. If you’re in the middle of a call to them and you don’t think you’re going to be listened to just hang up and redial. I firmly believe that Three have a flipping good network with some of the cheapest prices on the market. The trade off with that is customer service can be as I say patchy. In my experience your overall c/s result is determined by whom you speak to. (I know🤷‍♂️) so if you don’t get a good experience then hang up and call again.


when you say hang up and redial, redial what ??? All options to actually s[peak to a human have been removed as far as i can tell !!! and conversing on the app is nigh on impossible and massively frustrating !!!

Not applicable

I didn’t realise you are payg in which case it’s yes you only have the chat option to reach c/s which is at best frustrating. As for day to day services my original comment (speaking as I find) still stands and I’m sorry your experience differs from mine.


im on a contract - have been for over 15 years - never ever had a problme and referred loads to THREE. Soon as my contract ends im leavinig - its just impossible to do anything anymore! no dig at you the my friend 🙂

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No dig perceived mate and I’m genuinely sorry it’s come to this for you. Three’s loss by the sound of it. 
Take care and Happy Christmas. 

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While I would not recommend it to anyone who might have alternatives, unfortunately for rural folks it basically Three or nothing at all!  I been with them about 4 years now and it's great when it works.  But you are in for a world of hurt when there is a problem.  The support lines are absolute joke, you have repeat your details over and over before they "help" and that help is basically turn it off and on again, reset your router, try SIM in another device, tap your head while rubbing your belly etc

Not applicable

Things I agree with;

1) The support lines can be a joke without the mirth.

2) Support is hit and miss depending on whom you speak to.

Things I would add;

1) I too live in a rural area,West Norfolk to be precise and my broadband and pay monthly services are both provided by Three. 
It’s not perfect (oh my God it’s not perfect) but then what is? I freely admit I try to avoid c/s if at all possible but for me the alternative is not an option because of price  and my knowledge of how Three works.

In conclusion I would say to you to stand your ground in a polite and respectful way to customer service and not be fobbed off by someone reading from a script. As I say Three is a trade off and its down to you to point the advantage of that trade off in your direction.

Not applicable

After 5 odd hours, over 3 days of listening to that God awful on hold music and having to repeat my details over and over, it is impossible to remain polite when you are constantly asked the same questions over and over.  I typed in my number, date of birth and numbers from postcode at the start of the 30min wait and then get asked AGAIN for them by someone reading from a script.  Please turn it off and on again.  Referring to the internet as "Wifi" and thinks that the public IP address is the number printed on the back of the router! *face palms*   All the time refusing point blank to escalate the call and put me in through to someone who might actually understand the problem and offer a fix.


Make a formal complaint by using this form


Normally respond within a few days

If you get nowhere email the CEO's email and someone in that team based in the UK will deal with it but they take a while to respond based on my experience.

I totally understand your experience, a product advertised, however when speeds are advertised they always say UP TO which ever speed it is, this is important because it is not guaranteed.

Three Broadband is only sold to homes that are able to get the 5G coverage strong and stable enough to offer what you would expect on a fixed line.

Therefore there is possibly a fault with a mast or someone has made a mistake including your address into the areas able to get it.

If the latter is correct that means you could exit the contract without penalty. But it would be better if you could actually get and enjoy the service that was advertised to you and making a formal complaint is the best way forward.

Never put up with products in a contract that do not work, they have to fix it or let you leave. I never understand why people put up with poor service and count down the months to the end of contracts.

Stop going in circles with customer service because its just frustrating and you answer all the same questions and they follow the script.

So make a complaint and start by using that online form. This is step 1 of the formal complaints procedure.

I really hope this gets resolved or they let you leave.