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Does Three rate limit the 5G router speeds?


Hey peoples, I recently joined Three and got their 5G router. (NR5103E)

When I connect my 5G mobile phone to this router via Wi-Fi and do a speed test, I consistently get ~450Mb/s download.

However, when I connect my PC via a LAN cable and do a speed test, I consistently only get ~110Mb/s download. The NIC on the 5G router is at least 1Gigabit and the NIC on my PC is 5Gigabit (Marvell AQC111C). Why is there such a discrepancy between the different devices? Even though Three says it's unlimited with no restrictions, it kind of feels like the speed is limited.

I'm hoping I'm doing something wrong, or that there is a setting somewhere I missed.

Thoughts anyone?


Yeah I'm wondering if its something to do with that specific NIC chip/driver and the NR5103E firmware...

Do you have the ethernet cable (assuming cat6 or cat7?) plugged into the top port on the NR5103E as that's the 2.5gbE port? if so then this in theory should change your link speed in Windows to 2500/2500 (as mine does) as from what I see your adapter supports both the higher 2.5gbE and 5gbE link speed options so it should auto-detect the 2.5gbE link speed when plugged into the top port like mine does.

If its plugged into the top port on the NR5103E but not autodetecting the 2.5gbE link speed then I assume there's some sort of bug going on between the NR5103E firmware and that NIC chip/driver which may possibly be bugging the transfer speeds too.

Can you take a screenshot of the advanced options you have available under devmgmt for the network adapter? I know the options differ between adapters so don't want to give blind advice 😂

Just wondering if there's any options you can change and test from there to see if there's any difference, such as manually setting the link type and speed etc.

I see the latest driver for that NIC is version 3.1.7 is that the one you currently have installed? if not I can DM you a link to that one to try?
