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Three Home Broadband: Zyxel NR5103E drops connection and WILL NOT RECONNECT AUTOMATICALLY


Extremely frustrating - every time it rains, the router drops connection and DOES NOT RECONNECT automatically. It has to be rebooted manually, which you can only do from home.

If you're away from home and rely on your home broadband to monitor your home and your pets, you're screwed. This needs to be fixed ASAP.

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hi @JonathanB , i dont thing the change was done on the router, because:

  1. i check the APN and the wan setting before and after the talk with the support team and there was no change.
  2. i did manually change it to ipv4 explusively, then to ipv4+ipv6 and the speed was the same
  3. i did a factory reset on the modem just in case, and did all the manual change below including the apn address and ap IP version and still the speed was the same.

Only afthe the second chat with the level 2 support. i managed to regain the speed.

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Rising star

Has @JonathanB  offered to replace your router?

Do you know what the 2nd line support team did? Was it a change to the router settings or their side?


My router has already been replaced once, as it would not initially connect to 5G. This is a different issue, which seems to be firmware related. It's about the router dropping connection at times, especially when it rains, and not automatically reconnecting. The only way to reconnect is to manually restart the router, which obviously can't be done when you're not at home and rely on your home WiFi for Alexa and security cameras.

The 2nd line team adjusted, from what I remember, an APN setting. They said they were familiar with the issue and that this would resolve it. Not only has the problem not been fixed, but the change they applied caused our connection speed to drop from 500-600megs to 100megs, while still on 5G. 

I've been trying to get to the bottom of this for months now, and I'm feeling very let down and frustrated.

Rising star

Network Setting > Broadband > Cellular APN > Entry that is enabled, click Modify > Enable APN Manual Mode

Mine has APN = 3internet, Authentication Type = None, PDP Type = IPv4.

They may have changed the APN to

Click OK to save changes. May have to reboot router.


Thanks! Before I proceed, what will that do? BTW, my settings are the same BUT the "APN Manual Mode" switch is on disabled?

Rising star

Intended for broadband devices, APN = 3internet 

Intended for mobile phone devices, APN =

@JonathanB previously mentioned that some users have found changing APN has helped with their connection problems so this is what the 2nd line may have done to your router. You may want to try changing it to see if you get your original speeds back.


I see. Thanks, I see. As mentioned, my settings are the same as yours, but my "APN Manual Mode" switch is on disabled. Do I need to enable it?

Rising star

Yes, enable APN Manual Mode and you will be able to change the settings. If the mode is disabled then settings are assigned automatically by the router. If APN is 3internet, you can try using If it doesn't make any difference then just change it back. Remember to click OK to save the setting. Best to reboot after such changes.


Thanks, I will try that. The only thing is, I do not know what happened when Three's 2nd line tech team adjusted our APN settings that made our speeds drop from 600megs to 100megs. 🤔


Network Setting > Broadband > Cellular APN > Entry that is enabled, click Modify > Enable APN Manual Mode

Mine has APN = 3internet, Authentication Type = None, PDP Type = IPv4.

They may have changed the APN to

Click OK to save changes. May have to reboot router.

I have tried it, BINGO it now connected to 5G with speed of 671Meg down and 45Meg up. Why didn't three telling me this in the first place! You're a star @Anvil_Iron 


I just spent over an HOUR AND A HALF of my time, once again, with the 2nd line tech team. ZERO help. I had to explain everything from the start. They had no idea what I was talking about and I got nowhere with them.

Come on, Three. This is abysmal. I have spend hours and hours on this, over the past few weeks and months. Should getting support be this hard? @JonathanB