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Is it just me or is Three coverage THE WORST?


Years and years of paying to have poor to no signal regardless of which part of the country I'm in (Scotland, Yorkshire, Wales, Midlands, London, Kent) across many different types of phones. Data signal is so so bad. Especially in London. My page is struggling to load even now (for a simple forum). I've called so many times and had silly offers like "we'll reduce £2 off your bill", "have you tried resetting/wiping your phone?", "We're sorry, we value you, turn off data then on again." "Have you tried turning 5G off?". 

The signal when calling is also so bad, I frequently get told people can't hear me.

Three is such an awful network, the only reason I was staying is because I have been on the same network for over 11 years. But its time for me to switch now. Terrible network.


It has seriously got worse over the past few months.

I was advised to "upgrade my phone" to a 5g one, done that... still no network....

Then it was "turn your phone off and on again"... no improvement....

Then it was "you're probably in a drop out zone".... I'm in central London for gods sake.... so NO COVERAGE in central London.... 

So I'm now getting ready to leave 3 at the next chance I get!


I know this is old post but have same problem.been with 3 for many years. Phoned 3 and they said My 4 g phone was problem and needed 5 g one, I assumed that they had checked 5g is in my area. Bought a 5 g  phone and no better still only gets 4g. Decide to do coverage check myself, should have done in first place, and gues what there`s no 5g coverage in my area. Luckily my 2 year plan ends Aug 2025 and then will be looking for new provider. Will they be any better , probably not


Totally understand where you are coming from I have the same issues, Three just tells you to switch off device restart it.

We are supposed to be in the 5g generation unyet you still can't get 4g anywhere disgusting how these network providers can get away with chatinging customers extrautrauntionate prices for rubbish signal and service


Hilarious really.  After years of not being able to hear or be heard on a call unless I stick my head out of the window of my flat, I have just switched to Talk Mobile.  Three just called me, no doubt to persuade me to stay, but because the signal is so crap, it went straight to voicemail! 🙂


@Issthu  I was in a call with them and they were like "You only seem to use 5% of the data allowance is everything ok?" and I replied "Its because your network is so bad that there is no point in using data so I just connect to Wifi at home and outside". They do have very poor coverage any where in the UK and I have a very good Samsung Galaxy s22 phone. They only seem to have some pockets of areas where the reception is good or else the majority of the time it is bad.


Three is now absolutely garbage, so excited that my fixed term ends next month and I can off load my shockingly bad Broad Band contract where I actually spend more time with no signal than an actual signal #Shocking


It’s not only you. Three sucks big time!! I can’t wait to finish my contract I don’t look back on three ever again. Three Sucks!!


Its been a constant issue, three network has been getting terrible by the day. Ive been with them for nearly 6 years, and i have 2 main issues.

1) Network: its absolutely terrible, you cant get coverage anywhere, and if you do, its usually weak. Im currently using a s24 ultra with 5G, so there shouldnt be an issue, but wherever i go, the same issue occurs, weak signal and people telling me they cant hear me on call, and that my speech is muffled.

2) Usually with companies, after a certain time, with existing customers, they offer different plans with deals and discounts, theres alot of perks. I realised with three, its not the case. 6 years nearly, and they come up with deals which give u £2 to £5 off, which is terrible considering how customers make a company. 

To be honest, i think i may switch to EE when my contract expires, i hear their data coverage is quite good and i know from family and friends, theres alot of perks and benefits for existing customers. So yes, dont really recommend three, unless they fix their issues.


Absolutely, Three network is pants and I'll be leaving soon as my contract ends. I may even bite the bullet and pay £500 to leave now. Vodaphone has been perfect for my works phone. going to try them next.

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