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Thoughts on customer service phone calls


What's your experience of three call centres? 

I find it one of the most frustrating things in life. I blame the system to a degree as the people are following a script and not allowed to think for themselves.  Sometimes very rude. Constantly saying hello to check you are still on phone if you pause for a second to think. Try and upsell you the most expensive stuff you don't need. Don't listen to complaints. Unable to resolve simple issues. 


Terrible. Sounds like they're reading from a script half the time. It's as if they're trained to be bad so you never want to contact them. lol.


There good but only if they do wot they say. You can't do after the call cause they can be the best and you give them a good rating but then they don't do what they said they would so it was for nothing really on the survey....


I’ve worked in a few call centres. Phoned many. 
Nothing worse than being cut off. Yes it happens so never be rude to someone usually trying to follow the job and their bosses / team leads instructions. 👀

Personally, I’m just firm and ask them to stop selling and stop wasting mine and their time. Usually ok. 
Being on the other end of the phone, and has sone horrific abuse thrown at me has made me much more empathetic with the CS teams. They are  managed a lot of the time, it’s a pretty stressful environment. 


Awful, half the time they try and flog you stuff you don't need... 


I've never had any issues with the customer service on the phone.... Have you tried the online chat through your 3 app.... If not maybe pop into your local 3 store and speak to someone in person you might have better luck sorting whatever the issue is that way.