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Three Home Broadband: Zyxel NR5103E drops connection and WILL NOT RECONNECT AUTOMATICALLY


Extremely frustrating - every time it rains, the router drops connection and DOES NOT RECONNECT automatically. It has to be rebooted manually, which you can only do from home.

If you're away from home and rely on your home broadband to monitor your home and your pets, you're screwed. This needs to be fixed ASAP.

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hi @JonathanB , i dont thing the change was done on the router, because:

  1. i check the APN and the wan setting before and after the talk with the support team and there was no change.
  2. i did manually change it to ipv4 explusively, then to ipv4+ipv6 and the speed was the same
  3. i did a factory reset on the modem just in case, and did all the manual change below including the apn address and ap IP version and still the speed was the same.

Only afthe the second chat with the level 2 support. i managed to regain the speed.

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Just as an additional sprinkling of abysmal customer service on top of this delicious atrocious service cake... Three have sent me two emails saying they are going to charge me £105 as I haven't returned my 5g router - which I sent back several weeks ago.

Three: you suck.


The clowns at three have sent me an email saying if I don't return their router they will charge my account £105 - but I haven't received anything from them to be able to return them - when they let me cancel they said I'd receive packaging and a returns label.

I got back to three customer service last week and they assured me they would send me out a returns label and packaging - guess what, nothing has arrived yet.

They also said I could choose to keep the router by just paying the £105 - but after digging in their T&C's it states you still need to return it even if they charge you the non-return fee - which highlights that customer service are brazenly giving out incorrect advice that will financially cost you quite a lot of money.

I've cancelled my direct debit with three, and will dispute any non-return fee with my bank, if they can't even organise a returns label for me to send their crap router back.

I actually thought three couldn't get any worse, but they somehow manage it!


Three are just plain abysmal.


I have the exact same problem except mine doesn't seem to matter whether it rains or not. I have been with 3 for a month and it has, quite frankly, been a disaster. My security system relies on it so if this is not fixed very shortly I will taking it further.


Mine went down again the other day when it was raining just a tiny bit. ZERO fixes or updates from Three. @JonathanB 


The dropping connection on pretty much all their routers is an absolute joke and means you get an abysmal service. 

What's worse is when you speak to support they gaslight you and make you think you're the first person to experience this. 


100%. Shame on you, Three! I have been in touch with customer services numerous times. Zero assistance. They have no idea what you're talking about. @JohnD 


I'd finally had enough when the connection dropped yet again in the middle of an important teams meeting for work, so contacted support one last time - they checked through everything again, and eventually said my signal was weak and that was causing the disconnections.

When I pointed out the router still thought it was connected with excellent signal strength when the connection stopped working, they said it was still because the signal was weak..?!

So they offered me a free of charge early end of contract to move to another provider.

I sorted out another provider and contacted them to cancel, and it took over an hour to get this simple task done - they insisted on checking my router and signal again and then said I'd have to pay an exit fee - I kept telling them there was a note on my account from my previous contact saying it was FOC and pasted the details but they would then pass me onto another agent, and so on - it was incredibly frustrating.

Eventually I got sick of the roundabout of agents and said just cancel my contract like you promised to and they literally cut my account off there and then in the middle of the chat!  I had to reconnect on the new provider to continue, and when I checked the router I'd received a text from three saying they were charging me £219!!!

I went back and mentioned this to the agent and he said not to worry just ignore it there's no charge - but I would be lying if I said I believed or trusted him based on the previous fiasco.

So I'm waiting to be charged £219 for a FOC contract exit, and then the hassle of trying to get that sorted.

I used to really like three, I had multiple mobile contract and sims for the family under my account and my mobile broadband, but the service, and more importantly, awful support, has meant I now have 0 accounts with three anymore - and I'm just glad to not be involved with the company anymore.

Just awful all round.


So sorry you've had this experience. I'm thinking of doing the same - it's just not worth the hassle being with Three.

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