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Zyxel NR5103E 5G Hub keeps dropping down to 4G

So I have been using my Zyxel NR5103E 5G Hub  for about 6 months now. I have only just realised why my internet connection slows down to a halt and webpages time out and I once was on the internet and it bomed out.The reason being is that because the...

Best solution Zyxel NR5103E V2 USB stick problems writing files

Hi,Does anyone else use the USB socket? I've got a large USB stick in there so I use it as a cheap NAS. It worked on my old router and it worked on this Zyxel router for a while but now it has a problem. I can read files from it and I can copy small ...

Need a returns label to return 5G router

Hi,I tried out the 5G Home Broadband recently but cancelled within the 30 days money back guarantee period as although it was super fast late at night during the day there was too much contention on the mast meaning the download speed would drop to a...

stu by Fledgling
  • 3 replies

Zyxel NR5103E V2 problem

New 3 customer but having repeated problems with the latest model of 5G mobile hub. We frequently find that all devices are connected to WiFi but getting "no Internet". I have now checked and found that wired connections also have no access and neith...


Canceled and returned devices months ago: still getting bills

Hi All,I have been chasing the support teams for months now to resolve this issue.  but still no luck. anybody facing the same issue? they just raise cases promised 48 hours resolution and that's it.I'm never ever gonna  buy Three service or a produc...

Mobile broadband and mobile data issues

I have had issues with mobile broadband and data for coming up to 3 weeks now. I’ve had mobile Broadbank for 2 and had no issues previously. I’ve rung customer services and reported the issues but it feels like nothing is being resolved my phone and ...

Hopeless? Brand new wifi is slow and iPad won't connect

Hi all, I just got Three home broadband yesterday morning, router NR5103EV2, and it's been nothing but trouble. Am I missing something?1. Slow speeds - my ancient ADSL reliably gets 33-37mps, but on Three I'm getting 10-35 mps (15 at the moment). The...

No 5G broadband - Three in breach of contract

We have only intermittent 5G broadband from Three in London N8 Numerous complaints to the “technical team” and to the unhelpful sales staff in Three shops yield nothing and take up valuable working hours. This piss poor service is seriously impacting...

Sean2 by Regular
  • 10 replies

Can someone please help me

o got my home broadband yesterday! And as I have emergency and no signal in my house the WiFi seems to be working on my mobile great! But! All lights are green accept the 3line second from bottom is red. I have also tried connecting this to my smart ...

Jadeq30 by Fledgling
  • 1 replies
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