first bill
so i understand the first bill will be a little bit more than the monthly bill.... but when is the first bill due after you sign up?
Find out more on topics like Mobile broadband, Home Broadband, Mi-Fi, speed, security, 5G broadband and more.
so i understand the first bill will be a little bit more than the monthly bill.... but when is the first bill due after you sign up?
I installed a mesh wifi system a few days ago and set the Hub to Bridge mode so that the Mesh can handle all the routing stuff. Today I noticed that download speed was very low at only around 50Mbps on Ookla speedtest and the server it kept suggestin...
Hi all I recently got 4g broadband about 3 months ago to be precise, for the last 2 weeks my signal keeps dropping and also completely cutting out, cannot stream properly. I've looked online to see if 3 are down and there are no reports. I refuse to ...
I have just moved home and in doing so I have upgraded from a three 5g hub MC801A to a NR5103EV2 and after setting up my PC to this network I can't access any of my online games or systems but my internet works fine for everything else like google an...
Hi I have been having issues with my 5G home broadband. The speed is inconsistent and goes from 2mb/s to 80mb/s with the occasional speed test showing 120mb/s, but overall, the speed is not enough for me to stream or play games. I am getting constant...
For the past 10 days or so, my usual speed of 200-300 Mbps has dropped to a mere 1-2 Mbps with only one bar out of five. Three has acknowledged the issue, claiming they’re working on it, but it feels like a generic response with no clear indication o...
I have the 3 Home broadband. The speeds for the last 3 weeks have been very poor 2 - 5 Mbps. Their website said there was an issue in the area. I finally got to speak with an "advisor" who said that a mast was faulty and service is expected to resolv...
So, I’ve been gifted an older Dell laptop (appx. 5 years old) and have just started with the 3 5G home BB. I can’t, for the life of me, get the laptop to recognise the ZTE MC888 router. I have perused the ‘net, including this site, and have tried al...
I signed up to three internet on account of a recommendation. A family member was using the 5G hub, said they were getting a great price and great service. Thought that sounded good so as I was moving into a new place, thought I'd look into it! I cou...
Three 5g router loses connection every hour resulting in having to turn it on and off, I can access my router saying incorrect password, also won’t connect to iPads
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