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How to ensure your phone is ready for the 3G switch off

We've phased out our 3G network in most areas around the UK. Please check your settings are correctly enabled to be able to connect to our network. Here’s how to check you have the right settings for 4G data and 4G Calling (VoLTE) connectivity;   1. ...

JonathanB by Community Moderator
  • 21 replies

4G Calling Abroad

Whether it’s for that just in case of emergency call, or so you can give your family and friends back home a moment by moment playback of your time away, staying connected whilst abroad is really important. Many networks around the world are already ...

JonathanB by Community Moderator
  • 2 replies

5g Internet speed

How can tree 's 5g broadband speed be worse than 3g network.Initial it worked great but after the first few months, it started becoming worse to the point now I barely even get 1Mbps. I work from home and this has become a nightmare.

Axel006 by Regular
  • 1 replies


Can I use my phone allowance to make calls abroad? (Spain)

12GB data allowance

Hi, I'm a seafarer. We are in USA I need to access data for internet, 3 message me about 12gb data allowance with no extra cost. At first I have 40gb plan Expires on July 17,2024and I have 0.28 on my cash credit for a day I have access to the interne...

Lyn by Fledgling
  • 2 replies

Terrible connectivity

I have been having CONSTANT issues with my iphone 14 ever since switching to Three last year. I live in London and will often go days without any kind of connection even though my phone says it has 2 or 3 bars of 4G or even sometimes 5G. I cant use s...

Best solution Canada and using esim

Hello, visiting Canada will be installing an esim for data. Data roaming off, Wi-Fi calling on. Will be calling uk ( home ) numbers either using WhatsApp or over Wi-Fi. will be calling local ( Canadian numbers ) using Wi-Fi calling. Will I be charged...

Collie by Fledgling
  • 11 replies

Not receiving landline calls.

Hi there,I am not receiving calls to my mobile from landlines. My Virgin landline will not connect with my mobile and more recently my doctor's surgery, my garage and a travel agent could not get through to me. I contacted customer service who made m...

4g issues but apparently 4g is excellent in area

I am on holiday in Filey and myself my husband and my son all have three mobiles and all of us cannot access Internet but website says 4g is excellent for this area yet we can’t load anything. I have only just managed to get this posted today with a ...

How do know if email has worked when you do not reply them

I have tried to leave three for mouths how I send a email but I get no reply or response. I feel it be easier to get out of a deal with the devil himself, it seems to me that they make it difficult and hard on purpose just to get more money out of yo...

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