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ROUTE->DEFAULT when trying to use Live Chat

Hi There, I am trying to use Live Chat to talk to someone at 3 this morning and after entering mobile number it just says "ROUTE->DEFAULT" and then nothing else happens.  Is the chat service currently off-line?Thanks D 

Roaming charges offer

All, I would like to know if anyone else was offered the opportunity to get free roaming if you signed up for a contract before the 1st Oct 2021? I was offered this and signed up 30 Oct 21. I have recently found out that as 3 did not process my contr...

DS by Fledgling
  • 19 replies

Best solution Go Roam in Europe Fair Use

In Three's FAQ it says "In our Go Roam in Europe destinations, you can use up to 12BG of your data allowance. Any usage over this fair use limit but within your allowance is subject to a surcharge."I can't find anywhere any more information about thi...

DuncanB by Fledgling
  • 13 replies

Email for proof of payment

Is anyone able to provide me with the email address where you send proof of payment to, so they can unblock your account because you DID pay on time, but 3 claim you didn’t?

My App - quick switch between accounts

I have a number of accounts - I know wishing the My 3 App - that I can logout - then Login using the drop down - however, would like the option to switch between accounts from within the App - is this something might be added?

Roaming Vietnam

Hi all I m in Vietnam and I m using my data as normally do when I go abroad. But despite what the web site side about go roam, £5 a day, I have an extra charge of £600 how this is possible. I didn’t call anyone o text anyone. Can someone help? Thanks

Serena by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

Best solution Payment taken twice...

Hi, on holiday, so I paid my bill as soon as I got it. It changed to paid. Two weeks later Three also took my direct debit (of course they did) so instead of getting a direct debit settled early I paid twice.I started a chat and the guy said he could...

stratoc by Regular
  • 7 replies


I visited a new country just yesterday and all my deta allowance  and calling credits that I have I'm not able to use 

Christos by Fledgling
  • 1 replies
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